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€356,95 EUR
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XTOOL IP819 - 進階診斷與雙向掃描工具

XTOOL IP819 經過重大升級,為專業機械師、汽車愛好者和維修店提供了卓越的價值和增強的功能。 IP819 具有精心重新設計的使用者介面、擴展的儲存空間和先進的診斷功能,為汽車診斷樹立了新的標準。

XTOOL IP819的主要特點:

1. 增強硬體以實現更佳效能

  • 新的使用者介面: 重新設計,操作更流暢、更直觀,改善整體使用者體驗。

  • 儲存升級: 從 32GB 增加一倍至 64GB,為更新、數據和診斷檔案提供更多空間。

  • Type-C 充電埠: 升級後充電速度提高一倍,減少了停機時間。

2. 透過 4000 多個主動測試實現雙向控制

  • 對 ABS 幫浦、A/C 離合器、冷卻風扇、雨刷、喇叭等零件進行主動測試。

  • 加快診斷速度並準確地找出問題,使其成為專業機械師和維修店的理想選擇。

  • 筆記: 主動測試因車輛型號和年份而異。

3. 36+ 項特殊服務功能

  • 涵蓋常見的維護功能,例如 ABS 放氣、EPB 重置、BMS 重置、A/C 重新學習、TPMS 重置、油門自適應、懸吊校準、變速箱匹配等。

  • 擴展的功能庫確保與不斷發展的汽車技術的兼容性。

  • 非常適合 DIY 愛好者、技術人員和車間老闆。

4. 高級 ECU 編碼和客製化

  • ECU 編碼: 重置自適應數據,匹配、重新編碼或重新學習大眾、奧迪、斯柯達、奔馳和三菱等品牌的更換 ECU。

  • ECU配置: 修復後重新識別並重新配置組件資料。

  • VAG 的引導功能: 逐步指導簡化了複雜的診斷,使其適合初學者並達到專業級。

5. OE 級全系統診斷

  • 可與所有系統無縫協作,包括 PCM、ECM、EPS、BCM、TPMS、SAS 和 A/C 系統。

  • 讀取/清除 DTC、存取 ECU 資訊、顯示即時資料並執行主動測試。

  • 即時數據視覺化: 以圖形格式顯示多達8個即時資料流,讓資料分析更直觀、更有效率。

6. 廣泛的車輛覆蓋和多語言支持

  • 支援美國、歐洲、亞洲和澳洲的 10,000 多輛車輛,包括汽車、卡車、SUV 和小型貨車。

  • 相容於 CAN FD 協議,無需額外的適配器或電纜。

  • 支援 15 種語言,包括英語、西班牙語、法語和德語。 (提供 S/N 來更改掃描器語言或提供 VIN 來確認功能相容性。)

7. 可自訂的報告和智慧診斷

  • 產生具有可自訂功能(如商店徽標和客戶資訊)的詳細診斷報告。

  • 先進的資料流視覺化簡化了診斷,從而實現了更智慧、更有效率的維修。

8. 3 年軟體更新與長期價值

  • 享受 3 年免費軟體更新(價值 500 美元),確保與最新車型和功能相容。

  • 提供強而有力的保固和可靠的客戶支援,讓您高枕無憂。




  • 免稅
  • 2 年保固
  • 終身技術支援。
  • 退款保證
  • 免運費
  • 2-5 天快速出貨
  • 免運費
  • 2 年保固
  • 30 天退款保證
  • 免稅配送 來自我們的海外倉庫 美國、加拿大、墨西哥、歐盟、英國、俄羅斯、澳洲、南非
  • 送貨期限 2-5 個工作天。




Bi-Directional Control & Actuation Test

  • This bidirectional scan tool allows you to perform various active tests on specific components like doors, windows, ABS pump, A/C Clutch, cooling fan, fuel pump, injector, EVAP purge solenoid, wipers, horns, roof, etc,
  • to help you narrow down the fault causes and locate the problem more accurately, which makes it a preference for professional mechanics and car repair shop owner
  • requests a module to perform a specific test and function.(Turn on and off actuators to determine whether there are problems with sensors and actuators)
  • Fuel Injector Balance, Fuel Pump Enable, Fuel Trim Enable,Fuel Injector Tests, Injecor Buzz Test, Injector Kill Tests, Injector Cut Out Test,A/C Compressor Clutch Relay On/Off
  • EVAP Tests: EVAP Purge Solenoid Valve, EVAP Vent Solenoid Valve, EVAP Purge/Seal, EVAP Service Bay Test
  • Turn Off ACC Lane Keeping Assist System (LKAS),Turn ON/OFF Front and Rear side ACM Solenoid,
  • Turning the fuel pump on and off,Oil Pressure Control Test, Inlet and Outlet Valve tests,High beam test,Interior lighting test

Advanced ECU Coding & Customization:

Support match, learn and newly replaced ECU for VW/AUDI/Skoda/BENZ/Mitsubishi; Customize your car, unlock the hidden features, or activate the higher-level car function and disable the annoying functions

  • Used to re-flash the vehicle control modules, it allows you to reprogram adaptive data for certain components after making repairs or replacements.You can use our xtool ip819 to stimulate all the possibilities of the vehicles
  • After we replace control units, bad actuators, or certain parts we need to do the coding to make the replaced parts being stored and recognized by the ECU. Almost all systems that include engine, fuel, injector, gear shift, ABS, airbag system, and so on can be coded with this scanner. Before the coding, please read and record the original module’s information.
  • Recode Changed Modules/Optimize Vehicle Performance/Re-Flash/Hidden Functions/Renew ECUs Coordination/Reprogram/Adaptive Data/Improve Fuel Efficiency/Reduce Power Loss/Improve the Durability of Mechanical Parts

OE-Level All Available Modules Diagnostics

The XTOOL IP819 auto code reader is a cost-effective automotive scanner, that offers OE-level diagnoses on all available electronic systems, which can read/clear codes, data stream, read control module information for ECM, ABS, SRS, TCM, EPB, TPMS, SAS, A/C, BMS, ESP systems, etc

Supports Full System Diagnostics: Engines/Auto Transmission/Airbags/Immobilizer/Key Coding/ABS/Cruise Control/Instruments/Self Leveling Suspension systems Seats / Doors / Gateway / Steering Angle / Air Suspension / Body Systems / Electronic Power Steering & Motor Assisted / Power Steering / Tyre Pressure / Rain Sensors / 4WD System Stabilizer/Intelligent Parking Assist/Door Motors/Audio systems/Air Conditioning/Tiptronic/Anti Theft/Soft Top/Headlamp Leveling/Central Locking/Automatic Clutch/DP.F Reset Electric Windows / Plip Programming / Heated Rear Window / Xenon Headlights / Wash Wipe / Fuel Burning Heater / Transfer Box / Seat Memory / Oil Reset / Sliding Doors / Electronic Throt


Powerful functions

Free VAG Guided Functions:

Guided Functions: With VAG Guide Functions, IP819 can perform complex functions such as special functions, ECU coding, etc.,
To help your diagnostic step by step with instructions for VW/Audi/Skoda, etc.

Useful Flash Hidden Functions:

Also called “ECU Configurations”, it can customize the functions if you need to change or add some features unique to the high-end vehicles.
For example, disabling the seat belt alarm, turning off daytime running light. Compatible with For BMW/VW/AUDI/SKODA/TOYOTA/LEXUS/SCION/with MAZDA/FORD/LINCOLN only.

Support CAN FD Protocol:

IP819 equipped with latest hardware,it is the only product in this price range that is compatible with CAN-FD and 30+ reset service
CAN FD New Protocols For GM For GMC For Chevrolet For Cadillac ect after 2020 and other New cars (Optional ), No Need for Extra CAN FD adapetr, because built-in CAN FD


Affordable Key Programming Tools

Support Read PIN Info./Program New Key Fobs/ Add Keys/ Remote Learning built in, which is a more affordable option for experienced DIYers who also need diagnostic function, helping you program the key to power the car on.

When work with KC100 to expand the key programming for Higher-security Vehicle Brands such as for BMW/Benz etc to achieve its additional value.

  • Read PIN Code
  • Check Number of Keys
  • Generate Dealer Key
  • All Key Lost
  • Add Key

Note: Not all cars support key programming. Please send the specific car model to the seller to check the compatibility before purchasing,


Best Monitor Car Performance With 8 IN 1 Live Data

IP819 automotive diagnostic scanner provides powerful data graphing capabilities. It can show up to 8 individual graphs and merge them all on the same screen for better comparison.
You can even export data stream as CSV file for storage and compare over time, which is available to a few thousand fancy scan tools only. It can generate diagnostic report, print it out or share it with friends, family, or DIY mechanics.


Support Below 36 Kinds Maintenance Functions

Automotive diagnostic tool performs 36+ service functions
Such as Oil reset; EPB; TPMS; BMS;; Immo keys; Injector coding; SAS; Suspension; Throttle; Seat calibeation; Odometer(Instrument Cluster); Language Change; Headlight; SAS, DPF, ABS Bleeding, Gearbox Match, Window Initialization, A/F settings, Start/Stop Reset, Airbag Repair, Transporte Mode, Tire Upgrade, Gear Learning, Power Balance, EEPROM, Electronic Pump Activation, Speed Limit, Clutch Adaption, SRS, EGR Relearn, and etc.



基於 12 則評論

我的裝置遇到了一個小軟體問題,XTOOL 非常樂意回應和解決。在這個過程中,我確實感受到了他們對客戶滿意度的承諾。至於該裝置,它的性能符合承諾,並且具有價格更高的競爭對手的附加功能。任何優秀的機械師都知道診斷就是一切,這個裝置使我處於與專業車庫相同的水平。我也喜歡雙向功能,它可以在不破壞萬用電表、壓力表或弄髒車底的情況下測試系統!使用者友善、簡單的介面,大字體適合我的老眼睛。結構堅固,但我希望它有一個支架!

IP819 雙向 OBD2

IP819 是一款高度通用的汽車診斷工具,可輕鬆連接到車輛的 OBD2 端口,使車主和專業人士(包括機械師和愛好者)能夠有效識別和清除診斷故障碼。憑藉其雙向功能,IP819 簡化了與車輛維護相關的各種任務,例如重置機油壽命、輪胎換位後識別輪胎。

此外,除了診斷之外,IP819 還擁有直覺的觸控螢幕介面,可作為更改車輛編程、監控即時數據、重置故障碼和找出問題根本原因的寶貴工具。值得注意的是,它具有對密鑰 FOB 進行編程的獨特能力,即使在所有密鑰都丟失的情況下也是如此。

更新 IP819 輕而易舉,這使它與我使用過的其他工具不同。只需將裝置連接到網路並點擊更新選項,無需特殊電纜或軟體。使用者友善的方法確保診斷工具始終是最新的並且隨時可以使用。

客戶服務得到5分?等級。我在嘗試建立密鑰卡時遇到問題。客服聯繫了我並與我和 XTool 工程師一起解決了這個問題。

我會向任何需要 OBD2 雙向掃描器的人推薦該產品。它可以完成我更昂貴的工具所做的一切,而且花費更少。


當這個單位發售時購買它!易於使用的雙向工具和大量資訊。記錄和分析資訊的能力是必不可少的。免費更新有什麼不值得喜歡的。在這一點上,它是一個系留單元。您有一條電纜從 OBD2 連接埠連接到設備,不能選擇無線連接。他們還有其他無線設備,但價格反映了升級。總而言之,DIY 愛好者和專業人士可以從該工具中受益。優點這對於移動診斷和重置非常有用。


這台機器的價格給我留下了深刻的印象,到目前為止,它給我讀過梅賽德斯、福特、公羊、日產。我們有一個 2400 美元的 autel 掃描工具,它不能做任何這個工具不能做的事情。我很懷疑,但又感到驚喜。


該產品效果很好,客戶服務很及時,可以回答您的任何問題。到目前為止,我只用了幾個星期,並且只在一輛車上使用過它。最初,我在對某些按鍵進行編程時遇到了麻煩,但根據客戶服務的建議嘗試了不同的按鍵晶片,效果非常好。它對於排放和重新填充變速箱油也非常有用,因為我需要特定的溫度來檢查液位。一些特殊功能是針對特定車型量身定制的,因此並非菜單中列出的所有選項都適用於每輛車。雙向掃描器對於進階 DIY 任務非常有幫助。我強烈推薦這個產品給任何人。