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XTOOL TP150 TPMS Programming Tool

$139.00 USD $169.00
해운 결제 시 계산됩니다.

XTOOL TP150 자동차 목록(PDF)
xtool 시리즈 제품 비교 테이블


모든 자동차를 위한 최고의 풀 TPMS 서비스 - XTOOL TP150

XTOOL TP150은 다양한 차량 제조업체와 모델을 위해 설계된 저렴하고 사용하기 쉬운 TPMS 진단 및 서비스 스캔 도구입니다. 이 도구는 전문 정비사와 DIY 애호가 모두에게 이상적이며 포괄적인 TPMS 서비스를 제공합니다.

주요 특징:

  1. TPMS 센서 활성화:

    • 거의 모든 315 및 433MHz 센서를 활성화합니다(OE 및 애프터마켓).
    • 센서 정보(ID, 압력, 온도, 배터리, 주파수)를 정확하고 빠르게 검색합니다.
    • 별도의 활성화 도구가 필요 없습니다.
  2. TPMS 센서 재학습:

    • TPMS 센서의 99%에 대해 OBD 재학습 및 고정 재학습을 지원합니다.
    • 미국, 아시아, 유럽 차량에 대한 온라인 재학습 절차를 제공합니다.
    • 운전자와 타이어 가게의 시간과 비용을 절약해줍니다.
  3. XTOOL 센서 프로그래밍:

    • XTOOL TS100 센서는 자동 ID 생성, 수동 ID 입력, 활성화를 통한 ID 복사, OBD를 통한 ID 복사의 4가지 방법을 사용하여 프로그램됩니다.
    • 고장난 센서를 교체하고 딜러십의 번거로움을 피하세요.
    • 메모: TPMS 프로그래밍은 다음에만 해당됩니다. XTOOL TS100 메탈 버전 또는 XTOOL TS100 센서 고무 버전 .
  4. 실시간 센서 정보:

    • 센서 ID, 타이어 압력, 온도, 배터리, 주파수를 포함한 실시간 센서 정보를 읽습니다.
    • OE 부품 번호를 확인하고 TPMS 시스템을 진단하여 DTC를 읽고 지웁니다.
    • 특정 수리 후에는 TPMS 경고등을 끕니다.
  5. 24/7 안정적인 기술 서비스:

    • 2년 보증과 컴퓨터를 통한 평생 무료 온라인 업데이트가 제공됩니다.
    • 신속한 기술 지원과 설치된 소프트웨어로 바로 사용 가능.

XTOOL TP150을 효율적이고 효과적인 타이어 공기압 모니터링 시스템 유지관리를 위한 TPMS 진단 및 서비스 도구로 삼으세요.

치료 정보

차량 진단 스캐너에서 사용할 수 있는 진단 기능은 특정 차량 제조업체, 모델 및 연도에 따라 다를 수 있습니다. 이러한 스캐너는 포괄적인 진단 기능을 제공하지만 특정 차량 제조업체 또는 모델에는 사용 가능한 기능을 제한하거나 향상시킬 수 있는 고유한 시스템이나 독점 프로토콜이 있을 수 있습니다. 귀하에게 문제가 발생하지 않도록 구매하기 전에 확인을 위해 당사에 문의하세요.

배송 및 배송

  • 세금 면제
  • 2년 보증
  • 평생 기술 지원.
  • 환불 보장
  • 무료 배송
  • 2-5일 빠른 배송
  • 무료 배송
  • 2년 보증
  • 30일 환불 보장
  • 면세 배송 해외 창고에서 미국, 캐나다, MX, EU, 영국, RU, AU, SA
  • 내 배송 2~5 영업일.

뉴스 레터를 구독하십시오

특별 할인 혜택, 오리지널 스토리, 이벤트 등의 혜택을 받으려면 가입하세요.



  • Works on Both 315Mhz & 433Mhz Sensors
  • Relearn All TPMS Sensors
  • Activate All TPMS Sensors
  • Check ECU-ID Matching Status
  • Check Sensor Real-Time Data
  • Program XTOOL Sensors
  • Program Multiple Sensors Simultaneously
  • Diagnose TPMS System: Read and clear TPMS codes
  • Reset TPMS Warning Light
  • Check OE Sensor Information: Check OE Sensor Brand, Part No., sensor frequency etc.
  • Test Records
  • Built-In Rechargeable Battery
  • Internet Update via WIFI and USB Connection
  • Lifetime Software Updates

Wireless Sensor Programming

The user can use this function to program the sensor data to a blank XTOOL sensor to replace the sensor with insufficient power and not working properly.Provides Four sensor programming methods: automatic, manual and copy by activation.

  • Generate Sensor ID Automatically: Automatically create a new unique ID(s) into TS100 sensors. After programming the TS100, you need to perform tpms relearn to match the new sensor ID to vehicle's ECU. If you don't know the original sensor ID or your original sensor was bad, you could choose this method.
  • Input Sensor ID Manually: Input the ID manually into the new installed TS100 sensor. You can find the ID on the original sensor. If you know the original sensor ID(the original sensor cannot be activated) and the tire/sensor position has not been changed, you could choose this method.
  • Via Activate Copy Sensor ID: Trigger the original sensor, get the ID and and copy the ID to the new sensor. If your original sensor works and can be activated, and the tire/sensor position has not been changed, you can choose this method.
  • Via Read ECU Copy Sensor ID: Diagnose the vehicle TPMS and get the ID, copy it to the new sensor. If your original sensor is missing and the ID can be read after diagnosis on the car, and the tire/sensor position has not been changed, you can choose this method.

Note:1.TPMS programming only work with XTOOL TS100 sensors. 2.TS100 sensors are not included in the tool kit!3.Relearn is needed for Method 1; relearn is no need for Method 2,3,4.4.As for method 2,3,4, please note that the damaged OE sensors should not be placed on the vehicle while programming, as they can cause data interference.**Please check the compatibility seller before purchase!


XTOOL TP150WIFI Diagnosis

  • Check The TPMS Status
  • Check The Sensors Status
  • Clear TPMS Warning light

This XTOOL TPMS diagnostic tool TP150 can access the vehicle TPMS system to probe the issue like read codes, pinpoint the fault cause, clear codes and reset the TPMS light, assists to enhance the tire performance and maintain tire health.

  • Read & Clear TPMS DTCs: Read and clear TPMS fault codes, and turns off the TPMS warning light.
  • TPMS Reset & Relearn: Reset the TPMS after accurate diagnosis and issue located and solved.
  • Record & Check Latest Test: Latest tested vehicle and operations can be remembered, and it helps to lead to the same vehicle for activating sensors faster.

TPMS Check/Activation

Wirelessly activate 99% OEM/Universal TPMS sensors on the market, enables you retrieve TPMS sensor data like Sensor ID, Tire Pressure, Tire Temperature, Sensor Battery Voltage at ease.

  • Take the device close to sensor or tire sidewall which is located in above the sensor.
  • Via direction key to switch select different tire location, click activation key to trigger tire pressure sensor to receive tire pressure sensor data.
  • Click key, the detailed information of senor will be displayed on the screen which is include sensor ID, pressure, temperature and battery voltage.Helping you solve various tire problems

TP150 vehicle support list:

Maybach-Benz,Mercedes Benz, Toyota, Volkswagen, BMW, Porsche, Honda, Ford, Nissan, Audi,Volvo, Chevrolet, Tesla, Renault, Hyundai, Lexus, Ferrari, Subaru, Land Rover, Suzuki, Buick, KIA,Cadillac, Jeep, Mazda, Isuzu, Mini, Jaguar, Mitsubishi, GMC, Fiat, Rolls Royce, Bentley, Lamborghi­ni, Maserati, McLaren, JAC, Infiniti, Dodge, Lincoln, Chrysler, Smart, Hummer, Alfa Romeo, Saturn,Maxus, Saab, Mercury, Abarth, Alpina, Martin, Bugatti, Borgward, Lotus, Oldsmobile, Pontiac,VPG, Acura, Scion, SWM, Aston etc.
Xtool TP150 Car List (PDF)


Customer Reviews

Based on 50 reviews
H. V.
It works and Tech Support is real.

Very pleased that this tool save me a trip to dealer. I was able to re-activate new TPMS sensors for my car and program them correctly in to the vehicle. The price for this tool is about the same as you will pay at the dealer to re-learn your new sensors so might as well own this cool inexpensive tool. For me since I have another car that will need new sensors I'm already saving $$$

Confirmed working on all 3 of my cars.

2007 Lexus GX470
2016 Infinity Q50
2014 Tundra

Another Interesting thing was that once I switch the unit to the English language I noticed a typo where it was saying DESTRICT SETTINGS instead DISTRICT SETTINGS. So I visit the manufacturer site and reported this bug. I was actually surprised when I received response back with in 24hrs.

We have reported the typo issue you mentioned to our engineer team. The correction will be included in the next software update.

Very cool !

robert hufty
Make sure you got your all your updates.

2010 Toyota sienna worked perfect for it very easy to use very DIY friendly

susan rivas vasquez

I know this is the current battle on imports but I was not happy to receive an invoice to pay duties on this order as it says that they are included. I would like them reimbursed

Hello. We have a reimbursement service for customs fees. If you need to pay customs duty when your parcel arrives, please send us a screenshot of your payment and the relevant information and we will reimburse you for the customs fee once you receive your goods!

For faster assistance, we encourage you to contact us directly through the Chat window on our website. Simply visit: https://www.xtoolglobal.com/

cummins fanatic

Great Product. Purchased this tool along with the X TOOL dual frequency TS100 sensors 315/433 MHZ for my Daughters 2018 Subaru Impreza, they programmed & were recognized is no time. The tool paid for itself just by using it this one time.

Travis Rosa
Easy to use recognized oem and xtool sensors.

Good tool easy to use ,mostly self explanatory.Check out some of the videos on YouTube for help with any questions on how to use .