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    Yhteensopiva Global Vehiclesin kanssa


$169.00 USD $199.00
Toimituskulut lasketaan kassalla .

XTOOL-sarjan tuotteiden vertailutaulukko


● Hyvä skanneri henkilöautojen tee-se-itse-markkinoille, olet innoissasi saadessasi XTOOLin uusimman IP508S:n: kustannustehokas kuin useimmat XTOOL-skannerit. Enemmän toimintoja, laajempi kattavuus ja 5X nopeampi laitteisto tukemaan työtäsi paremmin: yli 15 kuumaa palvelua, 150+ tuotemerkkiä, 100 000 mallia jne.

● Tee päivittäiset korjaukset helposti – XTOOL IP508S -skannaustyökalu, joka on suosittu autoharrastajien ja mekaanikkojen keskuudessa ympäri maailmaa, sekä YouTube-julkkisten ja tunnettujen arvostelusivustojen toimittajien suosittelema.

● todellinen ammattitason autoskanneri, XTOOL IP508S obd obd2 -skanneri ei sovellu vain jälleenmyyjien tai korjaamoiden teknikoille, vaan myös henkilökohtaisille autonomistajille ja tee-se-itse-tekijöille.

1. Luotettava merkki : XTOOL on yksi johtavista korkean teknologian yrityksistä, joka on omistautunut autojen diagnoosien ja huoltolaitteiden tutkimukseen, kehittämiseen ja tuotantoon.

2. Kustannustehokas skannerityökalu : Päivitetty tähtituotteen IP508S perusteella, XTOOL-skanneri IP508S lisäsi enemmän ominaisuuksia ja veicles moottorijärjestelmän, voimansiirtojärjestelmän, ABS:n, SRS:n ja EPB:n perusteellista tarkastusta varten. 80 globaalista automerkistä. tekee skannaustyökalusta monipuolisemman ja ammattimaisempaa huollossa.

3. 5 järjestelmän diagnostiikkatyökalua ECU-tietojen poimimiseen, koodien lukemiseen ja poistamiseen, varoitusvalojen sammuttamiseen ja reaaliaikaisten tietovirtojen näyttämiseen tekstissä tai yhdistetyssä grafiikassa.

4. 15 Nollauspalvelu: Öljyn nollaus, EPB:n nollaus, BMS-nollaus, DPF:n regenerointi, suuttimen koodaus, ABS-ilmanpoisto, SAS-säätö, kaasun uudelleenopetus, TPMS-nollaus, tehotasapaino, istuimen kalibrointi, vaihteiden oppiminen, ajovalo, vaihdelaatikon sovitus, jousitus.

5. OBD2-skanneri kaikilla 10 testitilalla sopii useimpiin OBD2/CAN-autoihin, jotka on valmistettu vuonna 1996 ja myöhemmin.

6. Elinikäinen ilmainen päivitysohjelmisto Wi-Fi:n kautta , säilytä uusin ohjelmistoversio ja lisää ilmaiseksi lisää toimintoja ja autoa

7. 8 in 1 Live Data Graph + sisäänrakennettu DTC-kirjasto : Tallenna/toisto/vie CVS-tiedostona+-diagnostiikkaraporttien jakaminen/tulostus + etäapu, helpottaa monimutkaisempien ongelmien korjaamista.

8. AutoVin & Auto Scan : Hakee automaattisesti ajoneuvon tunnusnumeron, jotta pääset nopeasti käsiksi neljään tuettuun autoon


Huomaa, että ajoneuvon diagnostiikkaskannereilla saatavilla olevat diagnostiikkatoiminnot voivat vaihdella ajoneuvon valmistajan, mallin ja vuoden mukaan. Vaikka nämä skannerit tarjoavat kattavat diagnostiikkaominaisuudet, tietyissä ajoneuvomerkeissä tai -malleissa voi olla ainutlaatuisia järjestelmiä tai patentoituja protokollia, jotka voivat joko rajoittaa tai parantaa käytettävissä olevia toimintoja.Vältäksesi ongelmia ottamalla meihin yhteyttä vahvistusta varten ennen ostamista.

Toimitus ja toimitus

  • Tax Free
  • 2 vuoden takuu
  • elinikäinen tekninen tuki.
  • Rahat takaisin -takuu
  • Ilmainen toimitus
  • 2-5 päivän nopea toimitus
  • Ilmainen toimitus
  • 2 vuoden takuu
  • 30 päivän rahat takaisin -takuu
  • Veroton toimitus ulkomaisista varastoistamme USA:ssa, CA, MX, EU, UK, RU,AU, SA
  • Toimitus 2-5 arkipäivän sisällä.

Tilaa uutiskirjeemme

Rekisteröidy saadaksesi eksklusiivisia tarjouksia, alkuperäisiä tarinoita, tapahtumia ja paljon muuta.

Maksu ja turvallisuus


  • American Express
  • Apple Pay
  • Google Pay
  • Mastercard
  • PayPal
  • Shop Pay
  • Union Pay
  • Visa

Maksutietosi käsitellään turvallisesti. Emme tallenna luottokorttitietoja emmekä pääse käsiksi luottokorttitietoihisi.


Full OBDII Functions

  • Read Trouble Codes: Show the detailed description of the Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTCs)
  • Clear Trouble Codes: Turns off Check Engine Light (MIL), clears codes and resets monitors
  • Live Data: Show the information of continuous data stream from a vehicle in live graphic (waveform) display.
  • Read Freeze Frame: Check the certain vehicle conditions which are recorded by the on-board computer at the time the emission-related fault occurs.
  • Read ECU Information: Display the information such as VIN (Vehicle Identification Number), CID (Calibration ID) and CVN (Calibration verification number), etc.
  • Component Test: Certain vehicle components can be actuated by commands sent from the scanner to test their operability
  • On-Board Monitor Test: Retrieves and displays test results for emission-related powertrain components and systems.
  • O2 Sensor Monitoring Test: Allows retrieval and viewing of O2 sensor monitor test results for the most recently performed tests from the vehicle’s on-board computer.
  • I/M Readiness: Shows whether the various emissions-related systems on the vehicle
  • EVAP System Test: Allow you to initiate a leak test for the vehicle’s EVAP system.

15 Hot Mantenance Services

  • Power Balance:Testing of cylinder tightness and balance and adjustment of cylinder power balance.
  • Seat Calibration:After the seat control module is repaired, the internal data of the seat module is automatically configured to ensure that the seat adjustment function works properly.
  • Gear Learning:When the vehicle engine is overhauled, the crankshaft position sensor is replaced or the timing belt is replaced after the crankshaft position sensor needs to be learned with a diagnostic device to ensure that the engine is running properly.
  • Gearbox Match:When replacing the transmission assembly, transmission control module, transmission solenoid valve, it is necessary to use the tester transmission matching function to write the serial number of the newly replaced parts, matching and self-learning.
  • Suspension:Air suspension repair to match the suspension system and also adjust the vehicle's body height.
  • Oil Rest: Reset the Engine Oil Life System, which calculates the optimum oil life change interval based on the vehicle's driving conditions and climate. The oil life reminder must be reset each time the oil is changed so that the system can calculate when the next oil change is required.
  • TPMS Reset: Tire Pressure Monitor System (TPMS) Reset allows you to quickly look up the tire sensor IDs from the vehicle ECU, as well as to perform TPMS replacement and reset procedures after tire sensors are replaced.
  • SAS: SAS reset supports recalibration of the steering angle sensor. After the calibration is successfully completed, the SAS fault memory will be automatically cleared.
  • EPB: Reset the electronic parking brake system and brake pads, which also supports the brake pad replacement (retraction, release of the brake pump), G-sensor and body angle calibration.
  • BMS Reset: The Battery Management System (BMS) allows the scan tool to evaluate the battery charge state, monitor the close-circuit current, register the battery replacement, and activate the rest state of the vehicle.
  • Injector Coding: Write the identification code of the injector into the ECU so that the ECU can recognize and work normally.
  • DPF: DPF regeneration is used to clear PM (Particulate Matter) from the DPF filter through continuous combustion oxidation mode (such as high temperature heating combustion, fuel additive or catalyst reduce PM ignition combustion) to stabilize the filter performance.
  • ABS Bleeding: After the gear learning is successful, the MIL will be closed. This function can complete the self-learning of the gearbox and improve the quality of shifting.
  • Throttle Relearn: Initialize the throttle actuators to the default state for regulating throttle (or idle engine) operations accurately.

8 in 1 Live Data Graph

  • The XTOOL IP508S shows you live sensors data and provides data graphing for intuitive diagnostics and monitoring your vehicle performance, help customers to better analyze the abnormal parameter.
  • When using the function of reading data stream, Inplus IP508S supports selecting 8 pieces of data at the same time to form a data flow chart, which is convenient for you to understand the status of each module more intuitively.

Share Report via Wi-Fi

Rather than taking the additional hassle, with this XTOOL scanner, you would easily be able to share the diagnostics report to your clients or technicians via Wi-Fi. They would take a look at the full, clear, and accurate diagnostic report, and then understand what would need to be done. No more Googling unreliable fixes that would waste your energy.


Customer Reviews

Based on 138 reviews
?Very handy OBD2 Scanner

Need to upgrade my old obd2 scanner. Came to know about XTOOL by watching The Car Care Nut and Scotty Kilmer Youtubes. I emailed the XTOOL team and ask what the tool would do for my cars ([****]). The support team replied back within 4 hours, they provide awesome service.

This code reader seems sturdy, functional and of reasonably good quality. The interface is easy to use and fast results and communication with the cars, XTOOL separates OBD2 menu and diagnosis menu, which helps reach the menu I need. It has helped me repair two cars to pass the CA smog tests.

The scanner will generate reports that you can email or print and if you have wifi you can click on the DTCs and the device will perform a Google search for that code to provide information about it. It is smarter than my old obd2 scanner.
1. Graphing live data stream, record, export, playback
2. Engine, AT, ABS, SRS diagnosis
3. 9 Services include Throttle position reset, ABS Bleeding
4. Perform I/M readiness tests
5. DTC Lookup, Gooogle search provide information about it as well
6. Request oxygen sensor monitoring result
7. Check engine light on
8. Portable, easy to use

Great quick-tool to have around the shop

This scanner surprised me with just how fast it was, smooth swipe and navigation on the table. I used it for quick scan and report sharing to my customers for simple pre-repair diagnostics on available SRS, PCM, TCM, and ABS modules. I was also able to do the general maintenance we needed at my shop, the throttle body reset, ABS bleeding, and SAS at this price point is a bargain

Not only that, but I like the size and weight of the unit, the WiFi capability for updates are very easy and quick. Overall it is good value for a portable Scanner, I would definitely recommend the IP508S to those who looking for a tool that does way more than its price would indicate.

Probably my next purchase will be the XTOOL bidirectional scan tool, lol

Jaffa V Frank, LMFT, PhD
Tremendous value and great customer service

I bought the IP508S specifically because it had an ABS brake bleed function for a 2009 Ford Escape Hybrid (I thought), in addition to pulling ABS codes, transmission codes, and some other systems. When I got it I found that no brake bleed function showed up when I had it plugged in to the OBD connector. Rechecked the function compatibility on Xtool's website and saw that 2009 Escape's were listed, but not the hybrid. Doh!! My mistake. The tool was still very useful for recording, charting, and saving brake sensor feedback, e.g., brake pedal position, brake booster diaphragm displacement, booster vacuum, hydraulic pressure to each brake. Also, you can save the error code reports (by system), record multiple sensors simultaneously, replay the sensor feedback in chart form or just the numbers.
So I was very happy with the tool despite not having the bleed function. Then, Xtool emailed me to see how happy I was with the tool. I said I was very happy, but that I had thought it had the bleed function when I ordered it and found out it didn't. They immediately replied with an apology and would check with their engineers to see if they could develop a bleed routine for the Escape Hybrid. Within a week they emailed me to download the latest version (I forgot to mention that it has wireless connection capability). Did the download and the bleed function showed up. Performed the bleed with no problems. Great customer service!

jerry legaspi
XTOOL IP508S OBD2 Scanner

I Watched a few videos online finding great reviews and instructions. It helped in diagnosing a couple of problems I had with my Toyota Tacoma. It worked just as described with a nice size screen, and very easy to use. More functions than competition for the price, definitely recommended.

?This is a great scanner

I used my scanner several times and it performed great when looking at codes and live performance. It took a while to get all the updates loaded but once that was finished it continued to work great. I would recommend this because it was so user friendly.