X工具D7 被訂購,並將一旦恢復庫存就會發貨。
XTOOL D7 v2.0 診斷掃描器:專業汽車解決方案
最新的 2025 版 XTOOL D7 OBD2 掃描器旨在提高診斷效率和更廣泛的車輛相容性。 D7 具有升級的使用者介面,可實現無縫導航和優化的電池壽命,現在配備強大的 7.3V 2500mAh 電池,可全天提供可靠的效能。新的 FCA AutoAuth 和 CAN FD 支援可確保與克萊斯勒汽車(2018 年以後)和通用汽車汽車(2020 年以後)的兼容性。 改進的 V2.0 診斷報告功能可讓汽車維修廠使用商標、客戶詳細資料和配件來個人化報告,使這款多功能工具成為任何車間的必備工具。
進階 ECU 編碼:
- 支持流行的汽車品牌,例如 福斯、奧迪、斯柯達、賓士, 和 三菱。
- 啟用 離線編碼, 元件匹配, 和 自適應資料重置 更換模組或零件後優化車輛性能。
CAN FD 和 DOIP 相容性:
- 對於診斷較新的車輛架構至關重要,包括 2020年後通用汽車車型。
- 多IP (透過網際網路協定診斷)確保與現代車輛快速且有效率的通訊。
- 無需額外的適配器;只需在購買前檢查車輛相容性即可。
FCA 協議支持:
- 有助於診斷 菲亞特克萊斯勒汽車公司 (FCA) 品牌,確保 FCA 車輛全面覆蓋。
- 這 防盜服務 允許您停用遺失的車鑰匙並編程更換鑰匙圈。
- 功能類似 密碼讀取,支援密鑰產生、新增密鑰以及管理遺失密鑰的情況。
- 提供關鍵程式服務的研討會的必備品。
- 享受更快的診斷和無縫支持 XV200內視鏡,非常適合詳細檢查。
- 執行 經銷商級診斷 涵蓋所有主要車輛系統,包括 引擎、變速箱、ABS、安全氣囊、HVAC,等等。
- 讀取並清除 DTC、查看即時資料、執行主動測試(雙向控制)以及將資料匯出到 CSV 檔案 進行分析。
- 允許關閉警告燈並重置監視器。
- 測試各種車輛部件,例如 ABS 馬達、車窗、車門、電磁閥、繼電器、開關、天窗, 和 車頭燈 無需使用車輛的控制裝置。
- 透過受控測試確保系統完整性和功能。
36+ 特殊維護功能:
- 提供超過 36 項維修服務, 包括 機油復位、ABS排氣、EPB、SAS校準、節氣門復位, 和 噴油器編碼。
- 高級功能如 汽缸功率平衡、ABS 初始化、曲軸重新學習, 和 零位校準 也可用。
- 同時監控多達 8路即時數據流。
- 支援 數據記錄、回放, 和 CSV 檔案匯出 進行徹底分析。
PDF 診斷報告和遠端支援:
- 產生詳細 PDF診斷報告 可以與客戶分享。
- 得到 遠距協助 從 XTOOL的技術團隊 解決任何問題。
3 年免費更新:
- 享受 3 年免費軟體更新,確保您的 D7 保持最新的車輛相容性和功能。
- 即使在更新期結束後,先前下載的軟體仍然可以存取。
支援 15 種語言:
- 可用於 15種語言, 包括 英語、西班牙語、德語、法語、義大利語,等等。
- 特點是 7吋高清觸控螢幕 (1024x600 解析度)。
- 供電 安卓10 與一個 四核心 1.5GHz 處理器, 2GB記憶體, 和 32GB 記憶體。
- 持久的性能 2500mAh 7.3V電池。
- 免稅
- 2 年保固
- 終身技術支援。
- 退款保證
- 免運費
- 2-5 天快速出貨

2025 Newest XTOOL D7 V2.0 Bidirectional Automotive Diagnostic Tool
The XTOOL D7 is a cutting-edge, bidirectional scan tool designed for automotive diagnostics across 10,000+ vehicle models, including U.S., Asian, and European makes. It offers OE-level full systems diagnostics, ECU coding, CAN FD, DOIP, FCA and over 36+ advanced maintenance services to cover all your professional and DIY vehicle repair needs.The improved V2.0 Diagnostic Report feature allows auto repair shops to personalize reports with logos, customer details, and attachments, making this versatile tool essential for any workshop.
- Newly Added Diagnostic Report V2.0:The improved D8S V2.0 Diagnostic Report feature allows auto repair shops to personalize reports with logos, customer details, and attachments, making this versatile tool essential for any workshop.Helps customize diagnostic reports for user-friendly, faster, and convenient result checking.
- Key Programming Function (Every Workshop Needed):The IMMO service can disable a lost vehicle key and program the replacement key fob. One or more replacement key fobs can be programmed. like programming new key fobs, Read PIN code/pin code calculation,Check number of keys, Generate key, Add key, All key lost...
- CAN FD and DOIP Protocols Support: Specifically designed for diagnosing the latest vehicle architectures, including GM models post-2020.DOIP offers fast and efficient communication capabilities with modern vehicles.
- FCA Protocol Support: Provides comprehensive diagnostic solutions for Fiat Chrysler Automobiles (FCA) brands, ensuring coverage of all FCA vehicles.
- 4000+ Active Tests: Perform bidirectional control tests to check and verify the integrity of vehicle components like ABS motors, windows, solenoids, relays, switches, valves, sunroofs, headlamps, and more without using the vehicle’s own controls. This ensures faster diagnostics and efficient problem-solving.
- OE-Level Full Systems Diagnostics: Access real-time data, active tests, ECU information, adaptation, and component matching. The XTOOL D7 provides powerful, dealer-level diagnostics for over 10,000 US, Asian, and European cars, covering all available systems such as engine, transmission, ABS, airbags, and more.
- 36+ Advanced Maintenance Services: XTOOL D7 supports all common services like Oil Reset, ABS Bleeding, Injector Coding, Fuel Trim Learn, Transmission Reset, TPMS Reset, BMS Reset, SAS Reset, and more. It also offers vehicle-specific services like Window Initialization, Power Balance, Seat Calibration, and Crankshaft Relearn.
- ECU Coding (Newly Added): The XTOOL D7 supports ECU Coding for select models, including VW, Audi, Skoda, Benz, and Mitsubishi, allowing you to optimize your vehicle’s performance and adjust parameters after component replacements.
- Advanced Vehicle-Specific Functions: This scanner offers unique functions like HVAC Control Module Calibration, Air Suspension Adjustment, Hybrid Control Compression Test, and more. Perform specialized resets like Fuel Alcohol Composition Reset, Zero Point Calibration, and Crankshaft Position Sensor Learning to ensure optimal vehicle operation.
- 8-PID Graphing Capabilities: Customize specific PIDs, merging and graphing up to 8 sensors on the same screen for real-time, in-depth analysis of vehicle performance.
- Upgraded Hardware & OS: The Android 10.0 system runs on a 7-inch LED capacitive touchscreen with 1024×600 resolution. It’s powered by a Quad-core 1.6GHz processor and features 32GB of internal memory for storing reports and diagnostic data. The D7 also includes a 3.5mm stereo headset jack, microphone, and dual speakers for clear audio communication.
- 15+ Languages Supported: The D7 supports a variety of languages, including English, Spanish, German, French, and more. English is the default language, but users can request language changes.
- 3-Year Free Updates: Enjoy free software updates for 3 years, ensuring that your tool stays compatible with the latest vehicles and receives new features as they are released.
- Important Notes:The XTOOL D7 now features an upgraded diagnosis main cable (VGA to OBD2-16), with the original OBD2 connector built into the cable itself.For best results, power off the tablet when storing the device to prolong battery life.