Xtool x100 max
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XTOOL X100MAX - 专业钥匙编程和诊断工具
这 XTOOL X100MAX 是一款专为专业机械师、车间和锁匠设计的尖端钥匙编程和诊断工具。X100MAX 配备先进的 IMMO 和钥匙编程功能、全面的诊断服务和强大的硬件设置,是高效、准确的车辆诊断和维修的终极解决方案。
购买XTOOL X100MAX的首要原因:
KC501-配备全面的IMMO/钥匙编程功能: X100MAX 与 KC501 钥匙编程器配对,可进行高级钥匙链编程、读取和写入汽车钥匙和钥匙芯片,是汽车技术人员和锁匠的理想选择。
经销商级全系统诊断: 对所有可用模块执行 OE 级诊断,包括读取/清除代码、实时数据绘图和冻结帧分析。
42+ 维护服务和全部特殊功能: 提供超过 42 种服务功能,例如油重置、EPB、BMS、SAS、DPF、油门重新学习、ABS 放气、钥匙编程、喷油器编码等,可实现全面的车辆维护。
双向控制: 通过完全控制车辆部件(例如 EVAP、风扇、车窗、车门等)执行主动测试,以有效诊断和修复系统。
刷新隐藏功能: 闪现隐藏功能并解锁大众、奥迪、奔驰、宝马和三菱等品牌的可定制功能。
引导功能: 通过引导功能简化复杂的车辆诊断,特别是针对大众、奥迪、斯柯达和西亚特,无需安全代码和频道号。
支持 CAN FD 和 DoIP 协议: 与 GM MY2020+ 等现代车辆兼容,并支持通过 CAN FD 和 DoIP 协议对宝马、捷豹、路虎等进行更快的诊断。
多语言支持: 提供多种语言版本,包括英语、德语、法语、西班牙语、芬兰语、意大利语、日语、葡萄牙语、俄语、韩语、波兰语和阿拉伯语。发送序列号即可更改语言。
两年免费更新: 享受两年免费软件更新和终身技术支持,保持最新状态。
通过 USB Type B 电缆进行蓝牙和有线连接: 享受蓝牙和有线连接选项,以在车辆诊断期间获得更大的灵活性。
X100MAX 提供了 清晰、直观的车辆系统视图 和 拓扑映射.该功能可显示系统互连,使故障排除和维修更快、更高效。
新增前/后扫描和诊断报告 V2.0
- 改进的 IP919PRO 诊断报告功能允许汽车修理厂 使用徽标、客户详细信息和附件个性化报告,使这一多功能工具成为任何车间的必备工具。帮助定制诊断报告,以便用户友好、更快捷、更方便地检查结果。
- 维修前/维修后扫描可让机械师和 DIY 爱好者清晰地比较维修前后的车辆状况. 这些新功能使得 IP919PRO 自动扫描仪成为市场上售价 1000 美元以上的扫描工具的更佳选择。XTOOL致力于不断改进和增强用户友好功能。
ECU 编码和闪烁隐藏功能:
借助先进的 ECU 编码功能,您可以 闪存隐藏功能 或禁用不需要的功能来定制车辆的操作:
- 解锁个性化设置
- 针对发动机、变速箱等进行改装
- 支持大众、奥迪、斯柯达、奔驰、宝马、三菱等品牌
- Android 10 操作系统 以增强可用性和应用程序兼容性。
- 9.7英寸1024*768屏幕 获得清晰、详细的诊断显示。
- 高速 Wi-Fi 连接 实现快速、无缝的更新和数据交换。
- 6400mAh 7.4V 电池 (相当于 12800mAh 3.7V)可在维修和诊断期间延长使用时间。
- 4GB+128GB内存 确保平稳运行并有足够的诊断数据存储。
- 8MP 后置摄像头 用于在车辆检查期间捕捉图像。
- 更快的 AUTO VIN 技术 可快速识别车辆,提高诊断速度和准确性。
- 全套适配器套件 实现跨品牌和跨型号车辆的多功能兼容性。
- 两年免费更新 确保您的工具与最新的功能和车型保持同步。
- 两年保修 让您安心无忧并确保长期可靠性。
- 免税
- 2 年保修
- 终身技术支持。
- 退款保证
- 免运费
- 2-5 天快速发货

- Activate Hidden Functions: help refresh hidden functions to reprogram adaptive data for certain components after making repairs or replacements. You can activate the higher-level car functions and disable any annoying features. Modify personalization/customize some extra options such as disabled the seat belt buzzer, wind the windows down with the remote fob, etc.
Compatibility list: for BMW/for VW/for AUDI/for SKODA/for TOYOTA/for LEXUS/for SCION/for MAZDA/for FORD/for LINCOLN - Advanced ECU Coding: performs ECU Coding, Component Matching, Adaptive Data Reset, Flash Hidden Functions, etc to optimize vehicle performance and customize car settings.
Compatibility list: for VW/for AUDI/for SKODA/for BENZ/for Mitsubishi/BMW - ECU Programming & PMI(Programmable Module Installation): Provide best solutions for ECU programming, to reflash modules like ECM, TCM, BCM in the electronic control unit, program new ECUs, and fix software-controlled driving performance and emission issues.
Compatibility list: for BMW/for Benz/for VW/for Audi/for SKODA/for Ford/for Mazda/for Lincoln - Topplogy Mapping: helps faster full system diagnostic to view the communication structure between modules clearly with all the situation of each systems including Engine, Transmission, Chassis and Safety control system, Body control system, Communication and Entertainment system, etc.
- V.A.G Guided Functions: With V.A.G Guide Functions, X100MAX can perform complex functions such as special functions to help your diagnostic step by step with instructions for VW, for Audi, for Skoda, etc.
- Anti-theft IMMO Service: X100 MAX with professional Key Programming Capabilities include Read PIN, Add New Key Fob/Smart Keys, Remote Learning, Key Matching, lo~st keys, read & write MCU/EEPROM chip, etc

- Online Support: For online support or remote assistance please reach out to us via email directly.
- AutoVIN & AutoScan: AutoVIN functions allowing you to quickly figure out Vehicle Identification No. (VIN) to perform fast diagnostic.
- W!F! connection & Wired connection: XTOOL X100 MAX offers upgraded Wireless W!F! Connection, which provides ✔ 20X faster speed: 64 Mbps(Max) transmission speed,✔ further distance: range up to 10-20 meters(33-66 ft) diagnosis distance, range up to 30meters(100ft) and further without other W!F! disturbance in an open environment, ✔faster and more stable communication: access diagnostics within 5-10 seconds.
Note: There is no need additional WI~FI network to connect the scanner and your car or the VCI, since it has its built-in WI*FI, it can connect the scanner and the VCI and also the car automatically after you connect the VCI and your car.
Note: Downloading the software still requires an internet connection. - Upgraded and More Durable Battery: It upgrades the original 3.7V*10000mAh to 7.4V*6400mAh, which equals to 3.7V*12800mAh(Add 2800mAh). ✔The new battery can lasts double hours than the old one.
- Support CAN FD/DoIP Protocol: access new communication protocols of CANFD (cover for GM MY2020+ models) without extra adapter, and wilress communiccation of DoIP (cover for BMW E/F/G Chassis, for Land Rover, for Jaguar).
- Diagnostic Report Sharing & Printing: X100 MAX auto diagnostic scan tool enables diagnostic tech or mechanics to generate diagnostic reports before and after car diagnostics and maintenance services by printing it out or sending it to customers via PDF.