At XTOOL, we strive to ensure your complete satisfaction with every purchase. If for any reason you are not satisfied with your item, we are here to help!
Return Window
You can return most new, unopened items within 30 days of delivery for a full refund. If the product arrives damaged or defective, you have 30 days to request a return or exchange. Items must be returned in their original condition with all packaging and documentation. (Except for virtual products)
Return Shipping
We Pay for Return Shipping if the return is the result of our error, such as:
- Incorrect or damaged items received
- Duplicate shipments
Customers Pay for Return Shipping if the return is for personal reasons, such as:
- No longer wanting the item
- Accidental order
- Wrong item ordered
How to Initiate a Return:
- Contact Us: Email us at with your order number and details about your return (photos/videos for damaged items, if applicable).
- We’ll Respond: We aim to reply within 48 hours to confirm your return details.
- Ship the Item: Use the return label provided (if applicable), and ship the item back in its original packaging.
Once we receive and inspect the return, we’ll issue a full refund to your original payment method or exchange the item for you.
Non-Returnable Items
Some items, like clearance or sale items, cannot be returned or refunded. Additionally, any item that is not in its original condition, is damaged, or missing parts for reasons not due to our error, may be subject to restocking fees.
Return Policy for Virtual Products:
Our virtual products, including software renewal services, are non- physical items that are delivered electronically. Please read the following guidelines regarding returns for these products:
- Refunds: Refunds for virtual products can be requested within **24 hours** of placing the order.
- Post-Service Refunds: Once the virtual service (e.g., software update service) has been successfully applied to the device, refunds will no longer be supported, as the service is considered fully provided.
- Service Withdrawal: If a refund is requested after the service has been applied, the software update will need to be withdrawn, which may result in the device becoming temporarily or permanently unavailable.
- Exceptions: Refunds will not be issued for any services that have been fully utilized or applied.
By purchasing a virtual product, you acknowledge and agree to these terms.
For more details or specific questions, don’t hesitate to contact us. We’re here to help!
Contact Us:
- Email:
- Support:
- Tel: +86 18926548450