XTool InPlus IK618
XTool InPlus IK618 on tilaa ja se toimittaa heti, kun se on takaisin varastossa.
Noutojen saatavuus ei voinut ladata
XTOOL IK618 on all-in-one-autoavainten ohjelmointi- ja diagnostiikkatyökalu, joka on suunniteltu mekaanikoille, lukkosepäille, edistyneille tee-se-itse-harrastajille ja autokorjaamoihin. Siinä yhdistyvät kattavat IMMO-toiminnot, edistynyt ECU-koodaus, kaksisuuntainen ohjaus ja paljon muuta, joten se on ihanteellinen valinta ammattilaisille.
Kattavat IMMO-toiminnot:
- Lue PIN-koodi
- Lisää transponderiavain
- Älyavain/avaimenperä/jälleenmyyjän avain
- Etäoppiminen
Edistynyt ECU-koodaus ja ohjatut toiminnot VAG:lle:
- Suorita ECU-koodaus VW:lle, Audille, Skodalle
- Tukee offline-koodausta, komponenttien yhteensovittamista
- Ohjatut toiminnot VAG-ajoneuvoihin
Kaksisuuntainen ohjaus:
- Täysi hallinta ajoneuvon eri osista
- Suorita aktiiviset testit, kuten puristustesti, jäähdytystuulettimen testi, ABS-pumpun toiminta, ikkunoiden/kattoluukun/ovien ohjaus jne.
Flashin piilotoiminnot:
- Mukauta ajoneuvoasi poistamalla käytöstä turvavyön ääni, päiväajovalot, enimmäisnopeuden rajoitin ja paljon muuta.
31+ Huoltopalvelut ja erikoistoiminnot:
- Päivittäinen huolto: Öljyn nollaus, EPB, SAS, BMS, kaasu, TPMS-nollaus, vaihteiston sovitus, ABS-ilmaus, ruiskutuskoodaus jne.
- Edistyneet ominaisuudet: CAM-kammen uudelleenopetus, kampiakselin uudelleenopetus, tyhjäkäynnin uudelleenopetus, polttoaineen trimmauksen nollaus, alkoholisisällön nollaus, ABS-alustus jne.
OE-tason täydellinen diagnoosi:
- Pääset kaikkiin autojärjestelmiin syvällisen diagnostiikan avulla
- Lue/tyhjennä koodit, katso pysäytyskehystä, tarkastele ECU-tietoja, katso live-dataa
Laajennetut ominaisuudet lisäsovittimilla:
- KC100 Key Programmer: Ohjelmanäppäimet VW:lle, Audille, Fiatille, Renaultille, Land Roverille ja muille
- EEPROM-sovitin: Lue ja kirjoita sirutietoja, tietojen palautus
- Lisäadapterit: KC501 BMW, Porsche, Volvo, Benz avainohjelmointiin; KS1 Toyota/Lexus-älyavaimille kaikissa avainten katoamistilanteissa
Laaja ajoneuvokattavuus ja CAN FD -protokolla:
- Toimii 10 000+ 12 V sedaneissa, kevyissä kuorma-autoissa, maastoautoissa ja tila-autoissa, joissa on OBD2 vuodesta 1996 alkaen
- Pääsydiagnoosi GM 2020+ -autoille, joissa on sisäänrakennettu CAN FD -protokolla
- Tukee yli 14 kieltä maailmanlaajuiseen käyttöön
Täydelliset laitteistotiedot:
- Android 10.0
- Neliytiminen 1,6 GHz prosessori
- 7" 1024*600 näyttö
- 5000 mAh akku
- 2GB RAM + 32GB tallennustila
Luotettava tekninen tuki ja päivitykset:
- Kaksi vuotta ohjelmistopäivityksiä
- Kahden vuoden takuu
- 24/7 reagoiva tekninen tuki sähköpostitse
Huomaa, että ajoneuvon diagnostiikkaskannereilla saatavilla olevat diagnostiikkatoiminnot voivat vaihdella ajoneuvon valmistajan, mallin ja vuoden mukaan. Vaikka nämä skannerit tarjoavat kattavat diagnostiikkaominaisuudet, tietyissä ajoneuvomerkeissä tai -malleissa voi olla ainutlaatuisia järjestelmiä tai patentoituja protokollia, jotka voivat joko rajoittaa tai parantaa käytettävissä olevia toimintoja.Vältäksesi ongelmia ottamalla meihin yhteyttä vahvistusta varten ennen ostamista.
Toimitus ja toimitus
Toimitus ja toimitus
- Tax Free
- 2 vuoden takuu
- elinikäinen tekninen tuki.
- Rahat takaisin -takuu
- Ilmainen toimitus
- 2-5 päivän nopea toimitus
Tilaa uutiskirje
Rekisteröidy saadaksesi eksklusiivisia tarjouksia, alkuperäisiä tarinoita, tapahtumia ja paljon muuta.
Maksu ja turvallisuus
Maksutietosi käsitellään turvallisesti. Emme tallenna luottokorttitietoja emmekä pääse käsiksi luottokorttitietoihisi.

XTOOL IK618 Covers Both Whether It's Key Programming or Diagnostic Functions
1. IK618 With High-Performance Key Programming Functions
XTOOL IK618 key programmer packed with comprehensive key programming functions includingBackup IMMO data, Check number of keys, Program/Add keys Fobs,Generate dealer key, Program remote, Write-enable functions etc, It is ideal for professional mechanical, autoshop, repairing shop! Note: Functions vary across vehicles, please send VIN to verify purchase!
2. KC100 Key Programming and EEPROM Adapter Included
XTOOL IK618 comes with no fees KC100 car key programmer & EEPROM adapter(Save up to $300), allowing you to read remote frequency and generate dealer keys for VW/for Audi/for Fiat/for Renaul/for Land Rover.
XTOOL IK618 comes with no fees KC100 car key programmer & EEPROM adapter(Save up to $300), allowing you to read remote frequency and generate dealer keys for VW/for Audi/for Fiat/for Renaul/for Land Rover.
3.To Extend More Capabilities With KC501, KS01, M822
- Works with KC501 car key programmer tool + M822 adapter + cable kits (Need Purchase Separately) toRead/Write Infrared Key for Mercedes-Benz.
- Works with KC100 +ks-1 key programmer + M822 adapter + cable kit ( Need Purchase Separately) for Toyota. 4. Advanced ECU Coding & Flash Hidden Functions
4. Advanced ECU Coding & Flash Hidden Functions
XTOOL IK618 automotive scanner diagnostic tool allows you to code/match the new ECUs, and customize the vehicle as needed, optimize the specific performance to improve fuel efficiency, reduce power loss, improve the durability of mechanical parts, etc.
5. Full System Diagnostic and 31+ Special Functions for Maintenance Necessary
XTOOL IK618 car diagnostic scanner enables you to deepen into all accessible systems-ABS, SRS, Engine, AT, SAS, BCM, TPMS, IMMO system, etc. to read & erase all the fault codes, view live data, read freeze frame data, read ECU Information. XTOOL scanner IK618 also come with 31+ most popular special functions to provide you daily maintenance including Oil reset, EPB service, SAS reset, BMS reset, Throttle body relearn,TPMS Reset,Gearbox Match,ABS Bleeding, Injector Coding, etc. also advanced features-CAM Crank Relearn, Crankshaft Relearn, Idle Relearn, Fuel Trim Reset, Alcohol Content Reset, ABS Initialization, etc.
6. Full Bi-directional Control & VAG Guided Functions
XTOOL IK618 is also a full bidirectional scan tool, allows sending commands to the ECUs to perform active tests, like EVAP Tests, A/C Clutch Test, Fuel Injector Test, Window/Door/Sunroof Test etc. Also provides a smart manual with step-by-step instruction for VW, for Skoda, etc.
7. IK618 CAN FD Protocol & Vehicles Coverage Support
XTOOL scan tool IK618 supports CANFD protocols for GM, for GMC, for Cadillac, for Chevrolet, for Buick Cars after 2020. Its compatibility with over 95% of all vehicles, extensive car coverage, provides an every diagnosis option a mechanic/auto repair shop could need.
NOTE: IK618 Key Programming is suitable for Brazil Renault, GM, FIAT, VAG and etc. For Russian LADA, Renault and etc. For Malaysia Perodua, Proton and etc. For France Renault, Megane and etc.

Upgraded Ver. of X100 PAD PLUS/PADS, XTOOL IK618 key programmer packed with comprehensive key programming functions including Backup IMMO data, Check number of keys, Read PIN code & key info, Program/Add keys Fobs, Generate dealer key, Program remote, All keys lost, EEPROM modification,Write-enable functions etc, It is ideal for locksmith, professional mechanical, auto-shop,repairing shop!
Backup IMMO Data: Used to read, write and backup the EEPROM chip inside the immobilizer module.
Check Number of Keys: check out how many keys that had been registered to the vehicle right now.
Read PIN Code & Key Info: Pull PIN code of the immobilizer of specific vehicles when it requires a pin to get access to the system.
Program/Add Keys Fobs: Add another new key when you have a key that has already matched to the vehicle.
Generate Dealer Key: Used for generating dealer keys for Volkswagen/ for Audi/ for Fiat/for Renault/for BMW/for Land Rover, etc.
Program Remote: Read the radio frequencies of the car remotes and program remote keys.
All Keys Lost: Make a new key in the situation where you have no active keys at the moment.
EEPROM Modification: Allows you to modify EEPROM chip when unsoldered.
Write-enable Functions: Allows you to write key information inside the dump files.
Note : Functions vary across vehicles, please send VIN to verify purchase!

XTOOL Inplus IK618 enables you to program keys for VW, for Audi, for Fiat, for Renaul, for Land Rover, etc. with KC100 key programmer. It also allows you to read and write the chip data, data recovery with EEPROM Adapter.

XTOOL IK618 comes standard with KC-100 key programmer. However, you may choose to get KC-501, KS-1, KS-2 key programmers to extend its capabilities to the next level.
It's also can work with the CAN FD adapter and M821.
- Key Programming for VW, Audi, Skoda, Seat, Bentley, 4th, 5th, MQB IMMO.
- Key Programming for BMW CAS1-4.
- Key Programming for Mercedes Benz FBS3.
- Works with KC100 Key Programmer(included): for VW, for Audi, for Skoda, for Seat, for Bentley 4th & 5th IMMO.
- Works with EEPROM Adapter(included): for EERPOM reading and writing while key programming.
- Works with KC501 Key Programmer (not included): For VW 4th, 5th IMMO, for Benz Infrared Key Increased, Read and Write Chip.
- Works with M821 Key Programmer (not included): ALL Key Lost for Mercedes-Benz(need with Benz Cable).
- Works with M822 Key Programmer (not included): M822 Contains the Functions of M821, ALL Key Lost for Toyota 8A/4A chip smart key, ALL Key Lost for Mercedes-Benz(need with Benz Cable).
- Works with KS-1 Key Programmer (not included): ALL Key Lost for Toyota Smart Key& Lexus.
- Works with SK1 Key Programmer(not included): For 2013-2022 Toyota/ Lexus Models with 8A/4A Chip Smart Keys, Add Key/ All Key Lost, Emergency Start. Frequency & Key Type Reading.

Advanced ECU Coding
ECU Coding for VW/for AUDI/for SKODA/for BENZ/for Mitsubishi: XTOOL IK618 automotive diagnostic scanner performs ECU Coding, Component Matching, Adaptive Data Reset, Flash Hidden Functions, etc to optimize vehicle performance and customize car settings.
Flash Hidden Functions(ECU Configuration)
Flash Hidden Functions(ECU Configuration) for BMW/for VW/for AUDI/for SKODA/for TOYOTA/for LEXUS/for SCION/for MAZDA/for FORD/for LINCOLN: IK618 helps to activate the higher-level car functions and disable any annoying features including disabled the seat belt buzzer, wind the windows down with the remote fob, deactivate the Start/Stop function, etc.
VAG Guided Function
VAG Guided Function for VW/for AUDI/for SKODA, Featuring guided functions, XTOOL IK618 key programmer immobilizer allows you to complete the complicated functions under the step by steps instructions with no troubles and no worries.

IK618 bi-directional scan tool comes with OE level all systems diagnostic capabilities that you can only find in dealer-tool previously. It can scan all available systems to perform diagnostics including:
- Read Codes: including manufacturer-specific codes, pending codes, permanent codes.
- Clear Codes: Clear codes, reset monitors and turn off warning lights.
- Live Data: Live data stream from various sensors including misfire, engine rpm, transmission fluid temperature, etc.
- Freeze Frame: Retrieve parameters when DTC is recorded for better diagnostics.
- ECU Information: Check ECU version, etc.
XTOOL IK618 display live data stream in text or graph like misfire data, engine rpm, transmission oil temperature, mass air flow sensor data, cylinder balance rates, fuel pressure, actual fuel temperature vs desired fuel temperature, etc.

XTOOL InPlus IK618 bi-directional scanner supports active test to output the command into the ECU to request information or command a module to perform specific tests and functions. To find faults in the subsystems of your car effortlessly, without using the vehicle’s control, including Injector Buzz Test, Window/Mirror/Door Lock Test, A/C Clutch On/Off, ABS Pump Cycling, Pump and Value Tests, Interior & exterior lights Test, Sound horn Test, More...