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2024 XTOOL D7S V2.0 專業一體式診斷掃描儀
進階 ECU 編碼
XTOOL D7S V2.0 擅長特定車型的 ECU 編碼,包括大眾、奧迪、斯柯達、賓士和三菱。它支援離線編碼、組件匹配和自適應資料重置,增強車輛性能並在模組或組件更換後實現汽車客製化。改進的 D7S V2.0 診斷報告功能可讓汽車維修廠使用商標、客戶詳細資訊和配件個人化報告,使這款多功能工具成為任何車間的必備工具。
內建CAN FD和DOIP協定支援:
- XTOOL D7S 內建 CAN FD 和 DOIP 功能,涵蓋來自美洲、亞洲、歐洲、澳洲和中國的 10,000 多輛車輛。
- 使用這些協議的新型車輛不需要額外的適配器。購買前檢查相容性。
FCA 協議支持:
- 有助於診斷 菲亞特克萊斯勒汽車公司 (FCA) 品牌,確保 FCA 車輛全面覆蓋。
OE 級完整系統診斷:
- D7S 透過掃描所有車輛系統(包括引擎、變速箱、ABS、安全氣囊、煞車、HVAC 等)提供經銷商級診斷。
- 您可以透過直覺的介面查看即時資料、執行主動測試、檢索 ECU 資訊、清除 DTC 以及匯出資料進行分析。
- 執行雙向控制以測試各種組件,例如 ABS 馬達、電磁閥、車窗、車門等。
- 此功能允許使用者驗證系統完整性和功能。
38+ 進階維護功能:
- XTOOL D7S 包括 38 多項維護服務,例如機油重置、ABS 放氣、噴油嘴編碼、變速箱重置和燃油調整學習。
- 它還提供車輛特定功能,如氣缸功率平衡和零點校準。
- IMMO 服務是修理廠必備的功能,可讓您停用遺失的鑰匙並編程新鑰匙。
- 支援讀取PIN碼、新增或產生新鑰匙、處理全鑰匙遺失場景等功能。
8 合 1 即時數據圖表:
- 在單一圖表中監控多達 8 個資料流,以獲得更好、更直觀的診斷體驗。
- 具有自動 VIN 偵測和即時繪圖功能,可簡化診斷並節省時間。
PDF 報告和遠端支援:
- 產生詳細的 PDF 診斷報告,以便與客戶輕鬆分享。
- 對於複雜的問題,XTOOL 直接從其技術團隊提供遠端支援。
3 年免費軟體更新:
- 提供 3 年免費更新,確保獲得新功能、改進的軟體和擴大的車輛覆蓋範圍。
- 即使更新期過後,之前下載的軟體仍然可以使用。
15+ 語言支援:
- D7S 支援超過 15 種語言,包括英語、西班牙語、德語、法語等。
- 預設語言為英語,但可根據要求啟動其他語言。
- 配備 2GB RAM、64GB ROM 和四核心 1.5GHz 處理器。
- 配備 7 吋觸控螢幕(1024x600 解析度)、5,000mAh 電池、可折疊支架、內建揚聲器、麥克風和後置相機。
- 免稅
- 2 年保固
- 終身技術支援。
- 退款保證
- 免運費
- 2-5 天快速出貨
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2024 XTOOL D7S V2.0 Professional All-in-One Diagnostic Scanner
New FCA AutoAuth & CAN FD support ensures compatibility with Chrysler vehicles (post-2018) and GM vehicles (post-2020).The improved D7S V2.0 Diagnostic Report feature allows auto repair shops to personalize reports with logos, customer details, and attachments, making this versatile tool essential for any workshop.

Bi-Directional Control (Active Test)
Conduct comprehensive active tests to assess the integrity and functionality of various vehicle systems and components. This feature allows technicians to directly interact with and activate components such as the ABS motor, windows, doors, solenoids, relays, switches, valves, sunroof, and headlamps. By bypassing the vehicle's control interface, it ensures accurate diagnostics and validation of system operations.

The IMMO service offers advanced security functions, including the deactivation of lost vehicle keys and programming of replacement key fobs.
Capabilities include:Programming new key fobs
Reading and calculating PIN codes
Checking the number of existing keys
Generating new keys
Adding new keys
Resolving situations where all keys are lost
These features ensure comprehensive control over vehicle security and key management.

XTOOL D7S Advanced ECU Coding
The XTOOL D7S diagnostic tool specializes in ECU coding for specific car brands, including VW, Audi, Skoda, Benz, and Mitsubishi. It supports offline coding, component matching, and adaptive data reset to enhance vehicle performance and personalize settings. This tool is ideal for post-module or component replacement.
- ECU and Online Coding: Available for VW, Skoda, and Audi, this feature allows for performance improvements and customized vehicle setups to meet user needs.
- Customization/ECU Configuration: Supported for BMW, Volkswagen, Audi, Skoda, Toyota, Lexus, Scion, Mazda, Ford, and Lincoln, enabling detailed vehicle personalization.
- Maximize Hidden Functions: Unlock hidden features and disable infrequently used ones to enhance performance and activate high-end functionalities.

ECU Coding is an advanced process that helps to reinforce vehicle performance & customize car settings!D7W is the go-to tool for those who need enhancing vehicle’s performance or updating its system functionalities!

XTOOL D7W is a Bi-Directional scanning tool that allows you to request information or command modules to perform specific tests and functions while observing the resulting data for troubleshooting and quick fixes.

XTOOL D7W full system diagnostics and provides a complete scan of engine, AT, ABS, TPMS, fuel, BCM diagnostic data so that you can quickly capture all fault codes and fix them to optimize performance.

36+ Resets & Advanced Special Functions
- Oil Light Reset
- BMS Reset
- Throttle
- ABS Bleeding
- Injector Coding
- Key Programmer
- Gearbox Match
- Suspension
- Window Initialization
- Seat Calibration
- Headlight
- A/F settings
- Start/Stop Reset
- Airbag Repair
- Instrument Cluster
- Language Change
- Transporte Mode
- Tire Upgrade
- Gear Learning
- Power Balance
- Electronic Pump Activation
- Speed Limit
- Clutch Adaption
- EGR Relearn
- FRM Reset
- VGT Relearn
- HV Battery
- A/C Relearn
- Rain/Light Sensor
- Control unit Reset

Xtool_D7S V2.0 diagnostic report
- Icon Display for Main Diagnostic Systems
- Completely Redesigned Report Layout
- Customizable Logo for Repair Shops
- Selectable Content for Saving Reports
- Add Client Information to Each Report
- Additional Notes Can Be Included
- Editable Title for Each Report
- New Emall Format for Sending Reports
Auto Scan & Up to 8 PIDs Graphing
The D7S diagnostic scan tool, an upgraded model from the D7, offers an enhanced user experience with advanced features:
- Auto Scan: Automatically detects the VIN, accelerating the diagnostic process and saving time.
- Graphing Capabilities: Display up to 8 live data streams in a single chart or view up to 8 individual graphs on one screen for improved monitoring. Graphical representation of live data is more intuitive and facilitates more accurate conclusions than numerical data alone.
Note: Auto Scan functionality may not be compatible with all vehicle models.

Wins Undoubtedly by versatility&truly wireless!
- Communication Method: The D7W uses WiFi (no cable needed, more stable), while others use Bluetooth (requires a cable, susceptible to interference).
- Diagnosis Entry Time: The D7W enters diagnosis mode in just 5-10 seconds, while others take more than 10 seconds.
- Transmission Speed: The D7W has a transmission speed of up to 64 Mbps (20 times faster than Bluetooth), while others reach a maximum of 3 Mbps.
- Diagnostic Range: The D7W can operate at distances of 33-66 feet or more, whereas others are limited to a maximum of 33 feet.