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$209.00 USD $299.00
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  • 高精度全系统诊断
    XTOOL IP616 OBD2扫描仪 提供全面的全系统诊断,包括发动机、变速箱、ABS、安全气囊系统、电池系统等。这款功能强大的汽车诊断工具可快速识别和读取所有车辆系统的故障。主要功能包括:

    • 读取和清除 DTC(诊断故障代码)
    • 分析实时数据流
    • 访问冻结帧数据
    • 检索 ECU 信息
      IP616 提供准确的故障分析,帮助用户查明问题并提供可靠的维护指导。这可节省大量时间和维修成本,是 DIY 爱好者、机械师和维修店的理想选择。

    31+ 项高级维护特殊功能
    配备 31+ 项强大的特殊功能, 这 XTOOL IP616 增强了其诊断的多功能性。这些包括:

    • 油重置EPB(电子驻车制动器) 服务, 油门适配ABS 排气喷油器编码BMS(电池管理系统)重置变速箱匹配SAS(转向角传感器) 校准等等。
    • 独特功能包括 空调重新学习轮胎尺寸重置能量平衡窗口初始化, 和 大灯调节 帮助简化高级维修和维护。
      IP616 具有如此广泛的功能,非常适合处理日常任务和复杂的汽车维修。

    全面的 OBD2 功能
    XTOOL IP616 提供完整的 OBD2 功能,用于监控和报告发动机和车辆系统运行情况。主要功能包括:

    • 读取/清除 DTC
    • 监控实时数据流
    • 定格分析
    • 车载监视器和 O2 传感器测试
    • 组件测试
    • 检索车辆信息和模块存在

    采用坚固的硬件构建, IP616 扫描仪 确保整个诊断过程平稳、精确地运行:

    • Android 10系统 配备 1.5GHz 四核处理器
    • 5 英寸触摸屏,导航方便
    • 2GB RAM + 32GB 存储空间,为数据和软件提供充足的空间
    • 内置3000mAh可充电电池

    8 合 1 实时数据监控
    XTOOL IP616诊断工具 支持 8 个实时数据图表 同时分析多个数据流,提供直观的方法来实时监控车辆性能。通过同时分析多个数据流,您可以发现系统之间的关联,检测隐藏的问题,并在潜在风险升级之前缓解风险。

    通过自动 VIN 检测加快扫描速度
    CAN FD 协议支持,IP616 提供加速扫描功能,大大减少等待时间并提高效率。 自动 VIN 识别 即时检测您车辆的唯一 VIN,无需手动输入。无论您是专业技术人员还是 DIY 爱好者,这都可以让诊断过程更快捷、更方便。

    一键式 Wi-Fi 更新
    保持领先 终身免费更新 通过 Wi-Fi。一键更新功能让您无需使用电脑即可轻松访问最新的软件和固件改进。这可确保您的 IP616 始终配备最新功能并支持最新的车辆技术。

    为什么选择XTOOL IP616?

    • 全面兼容性:适用于大多数符合 OBD2 标准的车辆,包括轿车、SUV、轻型卡车和小型货车。无需额外适配器即可支持 GM 2020+ 车辆的 CAN FD 协议。
    • 人性化设计:专为机械师、汽车修理厂和 DIY 爱好者设计,具有易于浏览的菜单和可定制的诊断报告。 无论您是需要可靠的扫描工具来为您的车间服务,还是为了节省家庭维修费用, XTOOL IP616 OBD2扫描仪 确保快速、准确、详细的诊断。




  • 免税
  • 2 年保修
  • 终身技术支持。
  • 退款保证
  • 免运费
  • 2-5 天快速发货
  • Free Shipping
  • 2 Year Warranty
  • 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee
  • 免税配送 来自我们的海外仓库 美国、加拿大、墨西哥、欧盟、英国、俄罗斯、澳大利亚、南非
  • 送货期限 2-5 个工作日。





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Why Do You Need the XTOOL InPlus IP608 All Systems OBD2 Scanner?


Powerful All-System Diagnostics

  • Comprehensive Coverage: Unlike scanners limited to airbags, engine, transmission, and ABS, the XTOOL IP608 accesses and scans all available vehicle modules.
  • Detailed Analysis: Diagnose brake control modules, suspension, chassis, body control modules, navigation radios, HVAC, TPMS, and other critical systems.
  • Fault Resolution: Pinpoint the cause of faults and reset warning lights with ease.

30+ Special Functions

  • Advanced Capabilities: Includes Oil Light Reset, EPB, BMS, SAS, Throttle Relearn, ABS Bleed, Injector Coding, Gearbox Match, TPMS Reset, Airbag Repair, Power Balance, Window Initialization, Seat Calibration, Headlight, A/F settings, Transporte Mode, Tire Upgrade, Electronic Pump Activation, VIN Write, and more.
  • User-Friendly: Suitable for both experienced mechanics and novices.

For 99% Vehicle

Upgraded with CAN FD protocol to additionally support GM 2020+ without CAN FD adapter.


For Global Use

Supports multiple languages for global technicians, eliminating language barriers.


Customer Reviews

Based on 135 reviews
Ricardo Romo Brizuela
Buen scanner

Trabaja excelente, precio accesible y de mucha ayuda para diagnosticos iniciales, muy buen desempeño

It does more than just read obd codes and it has free updates for life.

I like this tool for the diy'er. It does everything you would want it to do. It will read your obd trouble codes and even perform special functions like abs bleed. I also have the xtools D7 while I like my D7 more this tool is still very nice. The only thing I wish this tool had was a obd II code lookup, what I mean by this is if you would click on the obd trouble code it would give you a list of possible symptoms. It would be a nice feature but that's ok because you can just look it up on the internet.

I think the best thing about this is the free lifetime updates. These tools need to be updated all the time and free updates for life is a huge plus in my book. My D7 only gave 3 months worth of free updates. In my opinion it will do everything you possibly need to diagnose a problem with your car. It's very easy to use and setup. I wouldn't hesitate to buy it again.

The perfect scan tool for the auto enthusiast

Xtools IP608 is a compact and affordable scan tool that is feature packed. Take note that this model is not bi-directional, you would need to be looking at one of their D-series for those features.

I had a steering assist error message on the dash display of a 15 F-150 that I used the IP608 to diagnose. The scan showed there was an issue communicating with the steering control module. A bit of Internet sleuthing showed where the module was located, and I found that a connector was not seated completely. Once clicked into place, the dash message went away and a subsequent scan showed no errors.

When you first turn on the tool, you will be prompted to set it up and register it. That process is simple to do, just be sure you have access to wi-fi when you are ready to activate. The UI supports more than a dozen languages. Once registered, the tool showed there were 163 updates to perform and this took about an hour to complete.

Vehicle identification is a matter of simply initiating a vehicle scan, and the VIN and vehicle type are returned. The menus will then be tailored to that particular vehicle.

Once you run your tests, you can generate a report and send it to a printer.

The IP608 is small enough to keep in a vehicle for those just in case moments, and at this low price point, it makes for an affordable and extremely useful tool. Lifetime updates are free in the future. Customer service response when needed is prompt and courteous.

russell bettencourt
Another win for x tool

Love the snappiness of the touch screen it's packed with special functions super rugged case love the fact that it charges itself when plugged into your obd reader on your vehicle and the lifetime free updates is a total win because those can be quite costly the 5 inch touchscreen is plenty bright and it's very easy to navigate even if you aren't a tech savvy person I totally recommend this product to anyone who needs a awesome new scanner I haven't had a problem with it at all

Jose Duran
IP608 actually worked for me

I just purchased the IP608 and worked great on my 2021 Chevy Tahoe, out of the box the tablet had many new updates for many different car makes so I liked that they do keep up with the updates I also had a code for one of my sensors and I was able to clear it with no problem, the IP608 has many special features it was also able to reset my tires tpms sensors since I had rotated my tires. Over all I honestly think its a great scan tool and recommend it. Scanner has lot of potential!