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XTOOL D8W 无线 OBD2 扫描仪:升级您的诊断体验

XTOOL D8W 无线 OBD2 扫描仪是 XTOOL D8BT/D7W 的最新版本,具有高端硬件和一系列先进功能,性能一流。这款扫描仪专为专业机械师和车间设计,以实惠的价格提供经销商级诊断,是专业人士和 DIY 爱好者的终极选择。


1. 超强 WiFi 连接

  • 内置 WiFi 取代了有限的蓝牙连接,确保更快、更稳定的无线诊断。

  • 实现高达 66 英尺的通信范围并实现超稳定的连接。

  • 非常适合兼容 DoIP 的车辆,例如宝马和奔驰,无需电缆即可实现无缝数据检索。

2. 拓扑映射,实现更智能的诊断

  • 以清晰的拓扑图查看车辆所有模块,一目了然地识别故障。

  • 诊断速度提高 60%,非常适合通用、福特、丰田、本田、宝马、日产等品牌。

  • 在效率和能力方面可与价格为 1,200 至 2,000 美元的工具相竞争。

3. 全面双向控制和主动测试

  • 执行 4,000 多项主动测试,例如空调离合器接合、雨刷测试等。

  • 直接向 ECU 发送命令以进行精确的故障排除。

  • 非常适合那些寻求以实惠的价格获得专业级功能的机械师。

4. ECU 编码和 ECU 配置 & 高级编程功能

  • 使用大众、奥迪、奔驰、三菱等车辆的 ECU 编码解锁隐藏的车辆功能并提高性能。

  • 新增的PMI(可编程模块安装)功能支持福特、林肯、马自达汽车。

  • 注意:兼容性可能有所不同。购买前请检查 VIN 和模块要求。

5. 38+ 种维护功能

  • D8W 支持多种服务任务,包括:

    • 油重置

    • EPB(电子驻车制动器)重置

    • 喷油器编码

    • DPF 再生

    • 曲轴重新学习

    • TPMS 重置

    • ABS 排气

    • 悬架校准

    • 语言变更

    • 还有更多!

  • 注意:服务兼容性因车辆而异。请使用您的 VIN 验证兼容性。

6. 扫描前和扫描后报告

  • 预扫描可检测 DTC 和系统故障,以便在维修之前获得透明度。

  • 后扫描确保所有问题都得到解决,并验证维修后的车辆健康状况。

  • 避免被忽视的问题来节省时间和金钱。


  • 使用直观的图标和重新设计的布局生成专业的诊断报告,以提高可读性。

  • 添加商店标识和客户信息以进行定制。

  • 保存、合并和组织报告以进行定制演示。

8. 先进的硬件,实现最佳性能

  • 配备 Android 10.0、4GB RAM 和 64GB 存储空间,可实现快速、无缝的多任务处理。

  • 配备持久耐用的 5000mAh(7.3V 相当于 10,000mAh)电池。

  • 包括 8 英寸触摸屏、双频 WiFi 和 8MP 摄像头,以增强可用性。

9. 广泛的车辆覆盖范围

  • 支持超过 150 个汽车品牌,包括 1996 年以后的美国、欧洲和亚洲汽车。

  • 兼容 CAN FD、DoIP 和 英国金融行为监管局 现代车辆诊断协议。

10. 可选配件的可扩展性

  • 使用以下适配器增强功能 KC100/KS-1 对于丰田/雷克萨斯, KC501 适用于奔驰/宝马/大众,以及 XV100 数字检查摄像头。

为什么选择XTOOL D8W?

  • 专业级性能: 结合先进的诊断工具和易用性。

  • 无与伦比的效率: 拓扑映射和 WiFi 连接等功能使其在竞争对手中脱颖而出。

  • 价格实惠的经销商级工具: 提供与售价超过 2,000 美元的工具相当的先进诊断功能。

  • 可靠的支持: 附带 3 年免费更新,并且更新后可终身访问最新可用版本。




  • 免税
  • 2 年保修
  • 终身技术支持。
  • 退款保证
  • 免运费
  • 2-5 天快速发货
  • Free Shipping
  • 2 Year Warranty
  • 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee
  • 免税配送 来自我们的海外仓库 美国、加拿大、墨西哥、欧盟、英国、俄罗斯、澳大利亚、南非
  • 送货期限 2-5 个工作日。





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Customer Reviews

Based on 13 reviews
Ronald Hardie
D8W scan tool

Like so many other scanners on the market you need to be careful while looking at the data!

Sometimes the data is duplicated and sometimes it’s just wrong. An experienced tech can see that some data is wrong and ignore it while others may be lead in the wrong direction…

Seams to be missing some tests or not enough dialogue to say a test is in fact running. Honda evap tests for one. No complee in bay service test available.

Would really like to be able to have user defined pid lists (custom)instead of having to go through 50 to 200 pids to select the same ones you always do.

Little things add up to make a good tool great… software improvements can do wonders.

Overall this scanner is worth the money paid but it could be refined so much most to make it great!

Three years of updates seems fair to me… lifetime updates from others may seem better but only if the lifetime of the unit is long

Overall, I’m happy with my purchase. It won’t replace my current scanner but it will augment it!

Lisa Schmitt
Großartiges Diagnosewerkzeug und hervorragender Kundenservice!

Dieses Werkzeug ist genau das Richtige für Sie, wenn Sie bei Ihrem Honda Accord Zylinder 2 und 3 und zufällige Zündaussetzer haben. Mein Auto fuhr nur noch maximal 20 mph, nachdem ich den Kurbelwellensensor ausgetauscht hatte. Also kaufte ich dieses hilfreiche Werkzeug, um den Kurbelwellensensor neu anzulernen. Alles funktionierte großartig, nachdem ich den Kurbelwellensensor mit diesem Werkzeug neu angelernt hatte. Ich nutze dieses Werkzeug auch, um die Ölstandsanzeige zurückzusetzen und Autoschlüssel zu kopieren. Phoebe, die Kundenservice-Mitarbeiterin, ist die Beste. Sie hat mich mehrfach kontaktiert, um sicherzustellen, dass ich alles habe, was ich brauche, um die Arbeit zu erledigen. Insgesamt ist es ein großartiges Werkzeug und der Kundenservice ist hervorragend! Jeden Cent wert! Vielen Dank.

Jon Williams
Thoughts on D8W

From my use of the D8W scan tool thus far, I am enjoying it. It's fast, compact, and straight forward. I am having difficulty linking up with certain dodge/Chrysler products, mainly ram pickups. I can read data on some models but not clear dtc's. On some models, not able to read live data. Just on dodge products, so far. Are you aware of this? Other than that, I like this scan tool. Thank you.

César Brito
Great tool with valuable options and an excelent Customer Service.

I purchased the D8W Scanner and I don't regret it.

I have not been paid or asked to make a positive review in exchange for a free product. I am an Xtool buyer and more than a DIY mechanic that work on all of my family and friends cars and so, I had the opportunity to test this machine on a variety of vehicles from diferent manufactures and models as well as to compare this tool with others competing in the same market.

I put together a few thought to help you get a detail view of what this product can do for you and so, make it easier for you to decide if it's right one for you or not.

1- The topoly feature on this scanner (D8W) is fast and, can only be obtained from XTOOL on this price range. No other scanner in the market offers it for less than $900.

2- The D8W comes with an 8" display again, something you can get from other stableshed brands of manufactures of Auto Scanners but at a higher cost.

3- Don't think that you are buying a flimsy and cheap product because it is affordable, this scanner feels solid.and it weights more than any other unit I had the opportunity to test/try of this size, assuring the buyer they are buying something durable and well made.

4- Across the market of wireless OBD scanners, many people complaint about miss/lost communication between the wireless OBD2 adaptor and the main unit but, till now, it hasn't happen to me, what leads me to believe your product does not have that issue and the connection between them is very stable.

5- Compared to other scanners on this price range, the UI is simple enough for anyone to use and even known, sometimes you have to play/look around to get to what you are looking for, if does offer a fair amount of choices and information to get the job done.

6- It comes with 3 years of free updates. At $199 a year, it's a hello of a bargain.

7- The frequency of updates provided to the D8W, is like no other manufacturer in the market. Like I said before, I not only had a few makes and models of both scanners and automobiles on hand to test them but also the time and interest to do it, and none of them had updates every week or almost daily like XTOOL do. I concider it a good thing because, it.is proof they are.working constantly to improve and maintain their product up to date with the latest software.

8- The battery, as long as you turn the unit off, like I do when you are done using it, will remain at the same level and will nor drain on its own.

9- You don't have to add your email to the device in order to be able to use it like you do with other manufactures. This simple thing avoids the multiple emails to fill up the device-storage and also the annoying notifications and remaining of them.

10- The D8W has a bilt in speaker. Yes, you may be surprised with this statement but, I had a well stablished brand scanner that didn't have one, making the feature of auto web search weak and sometimes unusable because is very hard to desifer what people are saying on a YouTube video if they are not speaking directly into the camera.

Granted, not everything is perfect on this unit and, I m going to tell you about it too. If you are a professional mechanic that deals with scanners and work on the Fiat/Chrysler brand, you will now the TPMS issue is the number one complaint amount this family of automobiles. I believe they can sell this scanner for more money if they were to concider making a few minor adjustments/improvements to it.

1- My screen is not too bright and hard to see outside during the day when exposed to direct sun light. I confess, I haven't remove the screen protector that came installed on top of the screen yet and, I am almost sure must of the screen glare will go away once I do it.

2- The trouble codes have a brief description next to it but, if you want to get more info, you will be directed to the web using the tablet's web browser Google Chrome". You won't have to remember the codes numbers because, the machine will do an auto search on the subject to make it easier on you, the user.

3- The TPMS feature still very basic, I beleive a grafic UI can be shown with the tire pressures, temperature, sensor ID and battery status of all 4,5 or 6 tires, on a single screen to make better sense and understanding of the system functionality and how the computer is receiving/reading that information.

I hope I was able to give you an honest description of what you are getting if you decide to buy this product (D8W). Also, this company's commitment and efforts to make a much better product each day.

Warren Mittenzwey
XTool D8W

As I grow more familiar with this unit, the more I like it and understand it. Not a pro, but, a decent wrench. Solved a couple of issues already. The wireless is a great enhancement, especially bleeding the abs and such. Some neighbors are already asking about it. It has saved me a bunch money already.