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XTOOL A80 汽车诊断工具-您的专业诊断解决方案
XTOOL A80 是一款先进的诊断工具,旨在处理高级车辆诊断、ECU 编码、双向控制等。无论您是专业技术人员还是经营汽车修理店,A80 都能够通过其广泛的功能增强您的工作流程。
1. 高级 ECU 编码
通过解锁隐藏功能(例如远程车窗控制、提高燃油效率和优化机械性能)来自定义车辆设置。ECU 编码允许您禁用某些功能(例如安全警告蜂鸣器或启动/停止功能),以获得更加个性化的驾驶体验。通过调整后视镜折叠、安全带警告警报等来提高车辆性能。
2. 双向控制(主动测试)
对车辆子系统和组件进行深入测试,从而实现精确的故障识别。访问 EVAP 测试、空调离合器循环、燃油喷射器开/关、ABS 电机循环等功能。此功能允许机械师直接通过 ECU 命令测试车窗、车门、天窗和其他电子组件,使故障排除更轻松、更快捷。
3. OE 级全系统诊断
快速读取和清除所有车辆系统的 DTC,包括 ABS、SRS、TCM 等。访问实时数据、检索 ECU 信息并执行系统适配、重置和匹配。支持超过 88 个汽车品牌,涵盖美国、亚洲和欧洲市场的 1000 多种车型。
4. 丰富的服务功能(39+项服务)
A80 提供多种服务功能,包括机油复位、BMS 复位、DPF 再生、油门重新学习、EPB 复位、ABS 排气、喷油器编码等。轮胎压力复位、变速箱匹配、空气悬架校准和转向角传感器调整等附加功能使其成为日常汽车维护的一体化工具。
5. CAN FD 和 DoIP 协议支持
A80 支持最新的 CAN FD 协议,无需额外适配器即可诊断 MY2020 及更新的 GM 车型。DoIP 协议兼容性确保覆盖宝马、捷豹、路虎等车型。
6. 无线蓝牙连接
A80 配备无线 VCI,可实现更高效的诊断,无需电缆即可提供高达 33 英尺(10 米)的工作范围。通过蓝牙轻松连接到车辆的 OBD2 端口,实现维修期间的高移动性。
7. 自动 VIN 和扫描功能
使用最新的自动 VIN 扫描功能自动检测车辆信息,该功能可识别所有 ECU 和车辆系统,以便更快地进行诊断。对于不支持自动 VIN 或希望手动选择的车辆,也可以手动输入 VIN。
8. 广泛的车辆覆盖范围
支持美国、欧洲和亚洲的 100 多个汽车品牌,包括通用、福特、宝马、奔驰、克莱斯勒、丰田等。与使用 CAN FD 协议的车辆兼容,确保覆盖最新车型和系统。
9. 密钥编程支持
通过将 A80 与 XTOOL 配对来扩展其关键编程功能 KC100 或者 KC501 钥匙编程器。支持多种车辆的钥匙匹配、钥匙编程和防盗功能。
10. 其他诊断工具
A80 可以与 XTOOL XV100 内窥镜配对,在狭窄空间内进行目视检查。兼容 EEPROM 适配器,用于高级 IMMO 数据读写。2018 年及以后的克莱斯勒车辆支持 12+8 电缆 适配器(单独出售)。
11. 多语言支持
A80 支持 15 种语言,包括英语、西班牙语、德语、法语、意大利语、阿拉伯语、韩语、波兰语、葡萄牙语等。这确保了全球各个地区的技术人员都可以使用该工具。
通过 TeamViewer 获得 XTOOL 专家技术团队的实时远程支持,解决任何与诊断相关的问题。A80 还提供诊断反馈功能,允许您提交任何未解决的问题以获得专业帮助。
13. 一键更新和 3 年免费软件更新
享受 3 年免费软件更新,让该工具保持最新功能和车辆覆盖范围。即使更新期已过,您也可以继续使用之前下载的软件,不会有任何中断。
14. 车辆健康报告共享及打印
使用 XTOOL A80,您将获得一款专业级诊断工具,它结合了易用性和强大的诊断功能,使其成为任何车间必不可少的补充。
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Informations d'entretien
Veuillez noter que les fonctions de diagnostic disponibles avec les scanners de diagnostic de véhicule peuvent varier en fonction du fabricant, du modèle et de l'année du véhicule. Bien que ces scanners offrent des capacités de diagnostic complètes, certaines marques ou modèles de véhicules peuvent avoir des systèmes uniques ou des protocoles propriétaires qui pourraient limiter ou améliorer les fonctions disponibles. Pour éviter tout problème, veuillez nous contacter pour confirmation avant d'acheter.
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Top Reasons to Get Xtool A80
- 100% Original. US/UK/EU Ship, NO Tax. 1-3 working days.
- 3-Year Free Update, after 3 years, it is still free update at the present.
- Multi-Language: English, Spanish, Italian, French, German, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Malaysian, Aribic (the default is English, if you wan other language,please send SN to change)
- OE-Level Full System Diagnostics: Complete capabilities for codes, live data, freeze frame, active tests on all available systems.
- Advanced ECU Coding: Re-flash the Hidden Functions for personalization, Components Matching after making repairs or replacements, Reinforce Vehicle Performance, etc.
- Bi-Directional Control: Receive information to and from the vehicle, and send the commands to the system/components to perform active tests like EVAP test, Fuel Pump, Fuel Injector, Cycling A/C Clutch On/Off and etc.
- Auto VIN & Auto Scan:Automatically acquires the vehicle VIN number for efficient all systems scan.
- Most Popular 39+ Maintenance Functions: 39 popular service options under “Common Services”, also have additional services are under vehicle menu and waiting for you to explore.
- Wireless BT Connection: Connect via BT connection with a working range of 30 feet for higher mobility.
- Premium Hardware: Android-based operating system and 1.6GHz processor, 64GB of on-board memory and 2GB RAM for fast running and multitask easily, 10,000mAh built-in battery that lasts for 14 hours of continuous work.
- 100+ Brand Coverage & Growing: Extensive vehicle coverage, work on more than 85 brands, 10000 cars and it is still growing.

Xtool A80 Diagnostic Tool Supports almost 39+ Functions
- Oil Lamp Reset Service: perform reset for a new calculation of Engine Oil Life system once changed the oil.
- EPB Reset: Help replace and reset the brake pad.
- BAT battery service(BMS): Clear the fault information of low battery and make it match again
- SAS Steering Angel Sensor Reset: Reset the steering angle to zero to keep the car running straight.
- IMMO Key Programming(Anti-theft Matching): for all key lost and add a new key,can work with XtoolKC501 and KS-1
- ABS Bleeding: Help exhaust the air.
- Fuel Injector Coding: Write the new injector code into the car system for correct cylinder injection quantity.
- TPMS service: Makes sense in displaying sensor IDs from the vehicle's ECU, inputting TPMS sensor replacement IDs and testing sensors.
- Throttle Adaptation: Initialize the throttle actuators to the default state. 11. AFS Headlamp Reset: Initialize the adaptive headlamp system.
- Suspension Reset: Adjust the vehicle body height sensor for level calibration.
- Gearbox Reset: Help complete the gearbox self-learning to improve gear shifting quality.
- Gear Learning: Monitors certain camshaft position sensors signals.
- Tire Reset: Set the size parameters of the modified or replaced tire.
And more: A/F Reset, Seat Calibration, Transport Mode, Sunroof/Window Initialization, Stop/Start Reset, ADAS Calibration, DPF service, Headlight, ECU Configuration, Airbag Repair, Instrument Cluster, Language Change, Power Balance, EEPROM, Electronic Pump Activation, Speed Limit, Clutch Adaption, SRS, EGR Relearn, FRM Reset, VIN, VGT Relearn, HV Battery, A/C Relearn, Rain/Light Sensor, Reset control unit
NOTE: Pls send us your car brand, year, VIN, funciton you need to check the compatibility before purchasing.

Active Test ( BI-Directional Controls ):
👍 Requests a module to perform a specific test and function.(Turn on and off actuators to determinewhether there are problems with sensors and actuators)
👍 Fuel Injector Balance, Fuel Pump Enable, Fuel Trim Enable,Fuel Injector Tests, Injecor Buzz Test, Injector Kill Tests, Injector Cut Out Test,A/C Compressor Clutch Relay On/Off
👍 EVAP Tests: EVAP Purge Solenoid Valve, EVAP Vent Solenoid Valve, EVAP Purge/Seal, EVAP Service Bay Test
👍 Turn Off ACC Lane Keeping Assist System (LKAS),Turn ON/OFF Front and Rear side ACM Solenoid
👍 Turning the fuel pump on and off, Oil Pressure Control Test, Inlet and Outlet Valve tests,High beam test,Interior lighting test
OE-Level Full System Diagnostics
XTOOL A80 is an OE-level full diagnostic scanner as it can scan ECUs in different types of vehicle systems and subsystems such as engine, TCM(Transmission), SRS(Airbag), ABS, TPMS, BCM, BODY, AC and much more, read /clear codes, view the live data from each available system, perform active tests to check the work status of modules, providing you with a Dealership- Level only diagnosis, getting the accurate and in-depth results across all automotive systems.

ECU Coding(Online Coding):
- Used to re-flash the vehicle control modules, it allows you to reprogram adaptive data for certain components after making repairs or replacements.You can use our Xtool A80 to stimulate all the possibilities of the vehicles
- After we replace control units, bad actuators, or certain parts we need to do the coding to make the replaced parts being stored and recognized by the ECU. Almost all systems that include engine, fuel, injector, gear shift, ABS, airbag system, and so on can be coded with this scanner. Before the coding, please read and record the original module’s information.
- Recode Changed Modules/Optimize Vehicle Performance / Re-Flash/Hidden Functions / Renew ECU Coordination/Reprogram/Adaptive Data/Improve Fuel Efficiency / Reduce Power Loss/Improve the Durability of Mechanical Parts