XTool X100 Pro3
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XTOOL X100PRO3专业钥匙匹配机
XTOOL X100PRO3 是一款支持 EEPROM 适配器的专业钥匙编程器。作为 X100PRO2 的升级版,它增加了 EPB、ABS 和 TPS 重置功能,以满足车主的不同需求。它支持 9 种语言,为全球用户提供了更大的便利。
- 全面兼容性: 适用于欧洲、亚洲、美洲和澳大利亚的大多数车型。
- 支持的语言: 英语、德语、西班牙语、葡萄牙语、法语、意大利语、波兰语、俄语和中文。
- 终身免费更新: 通过XTOOL官方网站了解最新的软件版本。
7 个复位功能:
- 油灯重置: 重置发动机机油寿命系统,该系统根据驾驶条件和气候计算最佳机油寿命更换间隔。每次更换机油时都必须重置机油寿命提醒器。
- ABS 排气: 允许执行各种双向测试来检查 ABS 的运行。
- TPS 匹配: 初始化节气门执行器并将 ECU 上存储的“学习”值返回到默认状态,精确控制节气门的动作来调整进气量。
- SAS 调整: 支持转向角传感器的重新校准,成功完成后自动清除SAS故障内存。
- EPB 系统重置: 重置电子驻车制动系统及刹车片,支持刹车片更换、G-sensor、车身角度校准。
- IMMO/钥匙编程器: 禁用丢失的车辆钥匙并对替换钥匙扣进行编程,允许对一个或多个替换钥匙扣进行编程。
- EEPROM 适配器: 读取汽车防盗密码,备份、读取、写入和恢复防盗数据,以及刷新ECU数据。此功能通常与IMMO或ODO重置一起使用。
OBD2 功能:
- 读取代码: 显示诊断故障代码 (DTC) 的详细描述。
- 擦除代码并重置: 关闭检查引擎灯 (MIL)、清除代码并重置监视器。
- 数据流: 读取并显示实时 ECU/PCM 数据流、以图形方式绘制功能并存储冻结帧数据。
- I/M 准备状态: 指示与排放相关的系统是否正常运行并已准备好进行检查和维护测试。
- 读取实时数据流: 在实时图形(波形)显示中显示来自车辆的连续数据流。
- 查看冻结帧数据: 检查发生与排放相关的故障时车载计算机记录的某些车辆状况。
- O2 传感器测试: 从车载计算机检索并查看最近执行的测试的 O2 传感器监测测试结果。
- 车载显示器测试: 检索并显示与排放相关的动力总成部件和系统的测试结果。
- 读取车辆信息: 显示 VIN(车辆识别号)、CID(校准 ID)和 CVN(校准验证号)等信息。
- 组件测试: 通过扫描仪发送的命令启动某些车辆部件以测试其可操作性。
- 访问XTOOL官方网站并导航到X100PRO3页面。
- 将 X100PRO3 连接到您的笔记本电脑。
- 下载更新助手,然后单击更新到最新的软件。
XTOOL X100PRO3 凭借其先进的功能和广泛的兼容性,成为专业密钥编程和全面车辆诊断的理想工具。
- 免税
- 2 年保修
- 终身技术支持。
- 退款保证
- 免运费
- 2-5 天快速发货

XTOOL - X100 PRO3 - OBD2 Automotive Key Programmer - ECU Reset Code Multi Language - Free Update
- X100PRO3 is a professional key matching tool with 7 special functions and OBD2/EOBD diagnostic functions.
- It is an upgraded version of X100PRO2 and adds EPB, ABS, and TPS reset functions, which can meet the needs of more needs of multiple car owners!
- X100 PRO3 Main works for most of Europe, Asia, America, and Australia Car Models Key Programmer.
- Supported Languages: English, German, Spanish, Portuguese, French, Italian.Polish, Russian
- Free Update With LifeTime.

X100 PRO3 OBD2 Functions:
- Reading Codes: Show the detailed description of the Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTCs)
- Erasing Codes & Reset: Turns off Check Engine Light (MIL), clears codes and resets monitors.
- Data Stream: Reads and displays live ECU/PCM data stream, plotting functions graphically and stores freeze frame data.
- I/M Readiness Status: Shows whether the various emissions-related systems on the vehicle are operating properly and are ready for inspection and maintenance testing.
- Read Live Data Stream: Show the information of continuous data stream from a vehicle in live graphic (waveform) display.
- View Freeze Frame Data: Check the certain vehicle conditions which are recorded by the on-board computer at the time the emission-related fault occurs.
- O2 Sensor Test: Allows retrieval and viewing of O2 sensor monitor test results for the most recently performed tests from the vehicle’s on-board computer.
- On-Board Monitor Test: Retrieves and displays test results for emission-related powertrain components and systems
- Read Vehicle Information: Display the information such as VIN (Vehicle Identification Number), CID (Calibration ID) and CVN (Calibration verification number), etc.
- Component Test: Certain vehicle components can be actuated by commands sent from the scanner to test their operability.

Ideal Key Programmer Tool for Automotive Locksmiths and Technicians Special Functions:
- Oil Reset Service: Performs reset for the Engine Oil Life system, which calculates an optimal oil life change interval depending on the vehicle driving conditions and climate, and turns off the warning light;
- Electronic Parking Brake (EPB) Service: Maintains the electronic braking system safely and effectively through deactivating and activating the brake control system, assisting with brake fluid control, opening and closing brake pads, and setting brakes after disc or pad replacement, etc.
- Steering Angle Sensor (SAS) Service: Performs calibration for the Steering Angle Sensor (SAS), which permanently stores the current steering wheel position as the straight-ahead position in the steering angle sensor EEPROM. On successful completion of the calibration, the steering angle sensor fault memory is automatically cleared.
- IMMO Service: enables you to disable the lost vehicle keys and program a replacement key fob.
- ABS Bleeding:ABS brake bleeding to get a firm brake pad after air exhaustion.
- View Freeze Frame Data: Check the certain vehicle conditions which are recorded by the on-board computer at the time the emission-related fault occurs.